Chapter 26

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Demi's POV

Emma skipped along beside me, holding my hand, as we walked up to Selena's house. Selena answered the door, and immediately greeted me with a hug, then Emma. Emma gave a big warm hug back. They had really gotten close, which was good for her. "The food should be coming soon," Selena said, plopping down on her couch. I followed while Emma crawled up on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her. If I didn't know that she was seven, I would think she's five. She is just that tiny.

"What did you order?" I asked.

"Pizza," she said while turning the TV on. Around five minutes later, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Selena said, jumping up and heading towards her front door. She returned a few moments later with a large pizza box. "Okay, Emma, I know how much you like eating, but there are two other people who need to eat too, so leave a couple for us."

Emma giggled. "I don't eat THAT much," she said. Selena and I both laughed at her cute response, and Selena went to the kitchen to grab three plates.

"Emma, do you want to pick out a movie?" Selena called from her kitchen.

"You pick, Demi, I don't care," Emma said.

"Selena, you pick," I said as she walked back into the living room with the plates.

"But I told Emma to pick."

"And she told me, and I told you," I responded. Selena rolled her eyes and playfully groaned while searching the channels. She stopped on a random TV show that I had never heard of that just shows random funny videos from the internet. I sat Emma between us and off my lap as we ate. She seemed to enjoy the show, but cringed once in a while at the once that looked like it hurt A LOT.

"So, are you excited for Disney Land next week?" Selena asked Emma when the show ended.

Emma nodded. "Sounds fun."

"I'm certainly excited. I haven't been in forever."

"Me neither," I added.  I was really excited for it, seeing my sweet girl having the time of her life. I couldn't wait for her to meet my mom and sisters. They have been dying to see her, especially Maddie. After a few more hours of shows, Selena looked at her clock.

"I need to get ready. I have to leave in about an hour to meet with management. Thanks for coming over," Selena said, standing up. I stood up and accepted the hug that was waiting for me.

"Thanks for the invite. We had fun," I said, looking down at Emma, who was nodding her head. Selena and Emma hugged before we started making our way to the front door.

"See you next week," Selena said.

"Can't wait, bye," I said as Emma waved. She had gotten really silent all of a sudden. She was quiet for the way home, also, only nodding or shaking her head to answer my questions every time I tried to start a conversation. When we got back to our house, I sat down with her on my lap. "What's wrong?" I asked as Emma leaned into me.

"Nothing," she said casually.

"Seriously, if something's bothering you, tell me."

She looked up at me and smiled. "Nothing." But I could tell the smile was forced.

"Am I going to have to tickle it out of you?" I asked.

I saw a real smile tug at her lips. "No," she said with a small giggle.

"Are you sure?" I asked with my fingers starting to poke her sides.

"mmm-hmm," she said while nodding. I could tell she was holding in laughter. I started lightly tickling, and she started to giggle louder, but not quite a laugh. I tickled more and more until she started laughing hard. It was the cutest thing. I stood up and laid her on the couch, still tickling her.

"Stop, stop," she said, gasping for breath from her laughter. I kept going, and she kept bursting with laughter. I was laughing along with her. "Stop! Mommy!" As soon as that last word left her lips, all laughter stopped, and I froze. She sat up with her lip starting to quiver.

"Emma," I said with a smile, but she jumped up and ran off to her room. "Emma!" I called as her door slammed. Crap. Now what? I gave her a few moments, but I couldn't wait long. I walked to her room and slightly opened her door, popping my head in. "Emma?" I asked softly. She was sniffling in the far corner of her room. I stepped inside the room, quietly walking towards her and sitting in front of her. I placed a hand on her knee, and she lifted her head to reveal her tear-stained face.

"I can't replace momma," she whispered.

I shook my head. "It's okay, I'm not trying to replace her. No one can replace her. She'll always be there, but you can have two moms. I adopted you, making you my daughter. But always do what you're comfortable with, okay? I won't mind."

"Will she get mad?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I'm sure she understands, but if you just want to call me Demi, that's okay." She crawled into my lap.

"Can I call you mommy?" She asked with nervousness.

"Of course, baby."

She melted into my arms and started crying again. "I miss having a mommy," she cried into me.

"It's okay, sweetie. I'm here," I whispered as I stroke her hair. We sat there for what seemed like forever, yet I never wanted to let her go.

AWWWWWW! Am I right?

So, I already have the ending planned out for this book, but I don't know how long it will take to get there, so just letting you know, it might be coming to an end soon.

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