the choices we make FIANL part

133 7 4

Note: Bold like this means important, this is part 4 of truth or dare

All hell was had broken loose in Michael's room. Bri had been assuring Michel that being a vampire wasnt that hard and if he wanted there was a cure. Bad timing was Devin had overheard some of the conversations with the topic and he wasnt happy.
What did you do to my boy Austin! Devin was screaming which made Michel cry which made Ritchie get all protective. STOP YELLING AT MICHEL UNCLE DEVIN HES CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU! Bri was trying to calm Devin down, to calm Ritchie down, to calm Michel down. The whole situation was a train wreck. Do me a favor bri and get that so-called cure of yours for the boys (he ended up figuring out Ritchie was a vampire because he saw his fangs when he yelled) because that'll be the last time you see them. Expect to get sued as well and for the rest of these poor kids to get properly taken care of. Bri nodded and went to her room to grab extra of the cure she had originally used when she first became a vampire. She gave them the bottles and they all went downstairs. "Say goodbye to Ritchie and Michel everyone..this is there last day of daycare," Bri stated.

Bri's pov:

Say goodbye to Ritchie and Michel everyone..this is there last day of daycare. Kaylee burst out crying which i did not see coming. Jay started to cry as well and soon the whole room was ethier teary-eyed or crying. I watch the kids run to the door making a huge barricade. "NO!" Kaylee yelled. "You're not taking my friends away just because you decided to have a big temper tantrum! She continued. "Yeah, they seem happy so let them be" bells added. "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!" Brady added. "Im pretty sure thats not how mafia works," Evan added. The whole room consisted of complaining and begging for Ritchie and Michel to stay. I looked over at Michel and Ritchie and they looked both shooked and confusion. "Im want us to stay? " Ritchie finally said. "Yeah, i thought we just caused...what's the word..cayous? "That about describes it" Ritchie agreed. "Are you series? You guys are fun to be around. Michel, it was fun you made us all animals and it's funny to watch Ritchie drive Austin crazy." Kaylee replied. " she's right, daycares not the same without you guys" jay added. "They're right, they may normally be under your care but im their family too there my godsons if you dont remember and im not losing family because you decided to overreact to vampires. if you dont like them because they're " different" and not fit for your stupid "mafia" then ill gladly become their guardian as if they were my sons. You gotta problem with them you gotta deal with this whole daycare first." Austin actually said something inspiring. I looked at him with a shocked face. Thats my boyfriend you jerk and my godsons too, you dont like the truth deal with it! Everyone looked at me with a shocked face. Oops, i didn't mean to say that bit out loud. I felt someone's arms around me. I looked down and it was Ritchie. I looked next to me and Michel was hugging Austin. I couldn't help but smile. "Fine have fun dealing with these little demons this isn't the last time you'll see me." Devin then stormed out the kids moving out of the way. The kids just stared at me and Austin. Finally, Michels faded voice broke the silence. "S-so Austin was your series when you said you'd  become our guardian?" Michel asked with a quiet and shaky voice. Austin looked at me for a moment and i gave him a nod and a reassuring smile. He looked at Ritchie and Michel with an unsure face im pretty sure to scare them then just smiled. "I wouldn't have said it if i wasnt serious. That is if you want to let me and bri become your guardians. If not you can take the cures and go with your dad back home." I and bri gave them a second alone to talk meanwhile me and Austin were trying to explain to the kids that even though they were trying to protect their friends what they said wasnt nice. Even though it was true. "U-uhm..austin, bri..we were talking and we made a decision. " Ritchie said." Michel continued. "There are 2 things keeping us from leaving." "1. Michel would cry the whole way home knowing he couldn't see Kaylee or jay again especially Kaylee" as Ritchie finishes Kaylee's face was red of embarrassment which i found super cute. "Number 2" Michel continued. This was nerve-racking and im unsure why. "Bri, whatever happens, know we did a good job taking care of all these kids in this daycare. If we get sued at least we know we made both ours and other kids happy and they made good friendships" Austin whispered to me which made me tear up. "Should i continue?" Looking down i saw a teary-eyed Michel and a pretty emotionally damaged Ritchie. Y-yeah continues. "And 2" Ritchie began.
"We already are home"
I couldn't help it i ran to Austin and just started to cry. From the corner of my eye, i saw all the kids hugging each other and celebrating that Ritchie and Michel weren't leaving.
When i finally stopped crying i felt someone pull my shirt. I looked down to see Richie again. B-bri do i still need to take the cure? He asked me. If you want. I dont really care if you stay a vampire. If you like being a vampire you can stay that way.

Michel's PO:.

"Cousin Michel you know-how i dared you to become a vampire during that game of truth or dare and you did it," he asked. Yeah, i know. "Well, the dares technically over. Im guessing your gonna take the cure." He asked. Ive been thinking about that. I dont really want to take the cure. Being vampires different but honestly, it's cool to have a change. Now, what was that about godfather Austin becoming our guardian?

Thats the end of the story. Lifes not the same at the daycare since that day but..the adventures to come were worth the choices they made.

Thats the end of the story. I may continue to update chapters in the "Michels vampire days book" with all the adventures afterward of i come up with some. If not this is technically the final chapter of this mini-series. all 5 parts are in a book as i said before if you want to see them. thats all for now hopeyyouu liked this mini-series leave suggestions for other AU's in my au book if you're reading this in the actual mini series book. bye 🐺

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