💘B🥁nds Are Brøken🎸💔

180 8 3

Universe: SNO(supernatural origin)
(this is all conversation)

Bri: what's wrong Pierre?
Pierre: someone stole my femur!
Devin: again?!?
Bri: what is it with people taking your femur?
Pierre: i dont really know
Devin: well we could get if back
Pierre: i think I'll just wait for rian and Austin this is usually their thing
Bri: Are you saying we can't handle it?
Pierre: No I'm just saying you guys seem more like lovers than fighters.
Bri: if anything I'm more a lover then him
Devin: hold up What?
Bri: just saying I'm not the one who killed someone
Devin: it was one person, it was an accident!
Bri: it was an innocent person and you took there life
Devin: You take innocent people's souls i dont know why your complaining no soul means no life
Bri: Well now you're just assuming
Devin: i am not!
Pierre: guys calm down, what happened to be lovers, not fighters
Pierre: this is getting out of hand.
(Pierre leaves to go find help)
Devin: i dont know why i ever decided to become friends with your just a leech!
Bri: Tramp!
Devin: how dare you, just because I'm a succubus dosnt mean anything!
Bri: thats it im out of here
Devin: me too i dont want to spend any more time with you heartless bloodsucker
(They both leave in anger)

After they get their stuff they go to there dads for advice.

Bri's pov:

I fly into a balcony. "Uhm..exuse me do you know where i can find mitch? " huh? Oh uh, i didn't see you there. Yeah, i do. How did you even get in here?" He asked. "I flew up here. " oh uhm well follow me ill take you to mitch. I follow the guy to a door. He knocks. "Who is it I'm busy" it's Jackson someone wants to see you its some girl." He responds which gets me kinda ticked off. I'm not just some girl. "Alright come on in. I enter and room and the guy i assume is Jackson leaves. "This is a surprise what are you doing here? He looked at me with a concerned face. I came for some..advice. " okay about what?
what do when u lose some close to you? "Interesting question..any reason behind it?" N-no just wondering. " well when your friends killed mev it hurt a lot. I already had lost so much that losing someone else super close to me was like endless sunlight&garlic. In the end, though i lived on to honor him and remember him and all the good times. We had fights sometimes but in the end, we were best friends and nothing was gonna change that." Mitch sounded sad and looked sad. "So Its kinda like when me and mom left..even though you weren't with us anymore..your still my dad?" He looked over at me and just grinned. "Yeah kind of although i will admit i was a lousy father." You weren't a lousy father from what i remember. Mom was the lousy parent if anything. But thats, not the point of why I'm here. I take a deep breath to think about how to word this correctly.  i think your story just may have helped me find the answers. "It did?" Yeah kind of, i had a fight with my friend and i said things i didnt mean but i dont wanna be mad at him because hes my friend and the lead drummer i cant lead my band without the drummer or live without my friends. "seems you already know what you have to do" but what if he dosnt forgive me? "Then he's missing out on an amazing friendship" i run up and hug mitch. Thanks, dad i really needed someone to talk to. I dont need him if he wants to be a stupid demonic jerk then I'll just make new friends. I dont need to prove to anyone, not even that succubus that I'm worth someone's friendship!  ''Thats what i like to hear. Dont let some demon knock you down you should go try to make up with your friend and if he hurts you I'll make him hurt more I'll make sure of that." I just laughed and ran out of the door. "Glad to know my princess is still in there somewhere"

-At the same time-

Michel's pov:
("btw this means devins talking")

"THAT STUPID LEECH I WISH I WOULD HAVE SLAPPED SOME SENSE INTO HER THEN IN THERE!" What in the world is all that screaming? I recognize the voice but can't believe the words coming out of the mouth of the voice. I was correct when i saw Devin storm in he did not look happy. Looks like gotta be a dad for a minute this is gonna be fun. Imp leave me and Devin here alone, please. "Yes sure come on you two we have expectations to do anyways" i watch imp and his workers leave the room. Sigh. I continued to hear Devin screaming to himself and ive had enough. Why are you screaming! I noticed he stopped for a minute just looked at me. He looked upset. "Oh, sorry i forgot where i was..ill just go" hold on a minute what were you screaming about? "The stupid bloodsucker i called a friend what's what! She's so selfish and just ugh i can't believe she was my friend i'd like to see her rooting in hell suffering!"devins words just shooked me. This does not sound like my son. It sounds like he got possessed by a demon and that's who's talking. Woah woah woah, calm down Devin you sound like a demon straight from hell. " i am a demon straight from the " well no duh. Sit at the table now we have to have a very important discussion. "About what?! Im clearly not in the mood." He complained and walked toward the table. As your father im giving you no choice now sit your butt down. I was relieved when he sat on a chair and not the table as the true alphas did. Devin, tell me what happened your clearly upset and whoever did is about to have hells rath put upon them if you're mad for a good reason. "Well...."
-after explaining-
Ahe had the audacity to call you what!?! "She called me a tramp!" (From google im pretty sure tramp means someone who uses others and dosnt really loves them they go from girl to girl or boy to boy depending on the person. I know the word for it but not gonna say it. dont quote me on this i saw this on google) "Yeah..we both called each other some pretty bad things."  I noticed a change in his tone of voice. "I screwed up"  he finally admitted. Damn right you did and you also going to fix it. "How she's probably still mad at me or even hates me. If we dont make up what happened to the band. Before i met rian and Austin she was the only one who gets me and understands my love for music and past. Were so similar thinking now we probably got the influence from the two morans. 😅🤣 i saw him grin. " probably those two are something else. "Thanks for the talk dad i'd probably still be screaming if it wasnt for you. " your welcome thats what I'm here for i am your father after all and dont think just because im the devil i can't be a dad sometimes. " yeah i know" i get up and give him and hug he then flys out the door. "For the sake of both there sanity and not having unwanted souls in hell i hope they make up.

1286 words, not counting this. End of part 1. I have an idea how to make a part 2 but it depends if you guys wanna see that. Let me know. Imma goest to o  sleep now bye 🐺.

1322 total words.

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