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Universe: sno (supernatural origins)
Suggestions: Open✔ (dosnt have to be a Minecraft roleplay can be a show or anime as well)

Note: its been about almost 8 weeks since Marcus became a vampire. Trust me its important to note

Ps most to almost all the conversation is between Marcus and colin so if its between " " its collin talking im too lazy to keeping putting he said unless hes doing an action.
Marcus's pov:

Got the cookies now all i have to do is get the bottles and get to my room before anyone notices. It's better if no one knows. I start to get a couple of bottles from the fridge. Everyone in the time i started doing this no one seen me even though there's a lot of people who live here..thats surprising. Just a few more- "Marcus" i jump at the sound of colins' voice and drop some bottles of blood. Dangit...Oh, h-hey Colin. "Are those blood bottles&blood cookies? He asked. N-no it's cherry soda. " mmhmm, how longs this been going on? I can read minds remember you can't lie to me." Of all the people who could have caught me it had to be the mind reader. "Uh hello? Still reading your mind thas quite rude your lucky Jackson or mitch didnt find you or you would be training right now." Guess you have a point. "How long has this trade been going on? He then gets a broom to pick up the broken bottles. I put some of the extra bottles back in the fridge while colin helped clean up the broken glass. A few days. "what" you asked me how long this has been going on its been a few days. "Im confused how last time i checked you were scared of even the thought of blood and vampires not to mention being one! What the heck caused this?!?" He sat at the table i sat next to him bring some cookies along. Being hungry. I'm a person every person gets hungry..i.tried not to but..these cookies are really temping. "Vampires can't live without blood." Yeah, I found that out the hard way i guess. "So hunger broke you, Thats it?" Yeah pretty much. Whoever makes these cookies are really good bakers there delicious. I eat one of the cookies. "I think Jackson baked them." Really? Wow, hes a really good baker then. These are amazing. "I mean they're not bad but Jackson's special blood is better. "Isn't that what he uses to get drunk? *How did you-" i just tell by the way he acts if he's drunk. When i was in college getting drunk was a way too common. My friends were always lucky if they were sober before class started. "Yesh that sounds bad." Yeah, It was pretty bad. I chomp on another cookie. "Oh hey colin, hi Marcus!" Oh, shoot. "H-hey mitch. " why are there so many blood bottles out. Colin did you get drunk again and steal them all." Mitch scolded with an unhappy look on his face. "No!" He replied he was in front of me so i managed to finish my cookie. "Well, i think ive found out where all our blood&cookies have gone." Mitch had a death stare look on his face and it was scary. "It wasnt me i sware!" Emma then who was it. I know it wasnt Jackson he has his own blood and Marcus dosnt even drink blood." As mitch was rambling i kinda just walked away and went back to my room. "Hold on a second Marcus what's on your face?" thats, when i knew i was gonna, have a lot of training after this. all i wanted to do is get some food and read.


I kinda lost interest in finishing this. But im publishing it anyways

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