That's not how family works

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Universe: 100 baby daycare

here's a part 7 of truth or dare. some of the chapters that where on this book including some of the truth or dare Au chapters were deleted since wattpad decided to be a butt the make all my stories disappear and deleted some of the chapters on some of my books as a result. if u wanna see the whole story in order go check out my story Michael's vampire days
"This won't be the last time you see me" that was Devin's last words before he left. 3 months later and he's nowhere to be seen. Guess he was nothing but a lie. Life in the daycare has been pretty quiet since then. More kids joined the daycare and they all seem to love bullying me so same old same old i guess. Austin closed his journal and put it in his drawer. Guess it's another day of daycare.

Michel's Pov:

Alright I'm gonna flip the switch once your ready you can come out. Usually I'm not that afraid of my machines not working but if this doesn't work... I don't wanna think about it this will work. Its about 2 minutes and kaylee hasn't come out yet. kaylee? kaylee comes out wit some pretty fairy wings. "D-does it look okay?" She asked me and I nodded. You look awesome! Can you fly? She tries to move the wings just face turning ready from trying too hard. Don't try too hard just breathe in and out and try picturing yourself floating. She tries again and she managed to float and was soon flying around the small room. She picked me up and flew us to the main room. Kaylee!! Slow down!!  She landed in the middle of the main room but crashed into a pile of stuffed animals that was in a neat pile now scattered aimlessly around the room. Ow... that wasn't fun but not bad for your first time i guess. "Yeah i guess but owie" Kaylee groaned and i got off the floor and helped her up. "NO FAIR SHE HAS WINGS NOW I WANT WINGS"I hear Bri storm towards us.  "are you both okay?" Austin asked clearly concerned. Were fine just tested out my new inventions and now kaylee has wings!
"ignoring that fact today were going to be having a sleepover. Your parents dropped off a backpack with some stuff for you each so you can go upstairs and grab the bag with your name and then make your way to the sleepover room so-" before austin could finish kids bolted towards the elevator once they got there . I was tripped over if it wasn't for kaylee catching me and she flew over them carrying me. I guess i'm not very heavy.

When we got up there sleeping bags and tents were set up. I call dibs on the purple and blue one! I dashed forward to the tent and put my bag down. It was a pretty decent sized tent with a area to put mabey a mini living room and bedroom. The soze of a medium hotel room to Sum it up. You wanna share kaylee? I ask with a smile waving over to kaylee who was on the other side of the room talking to bells. She nods and runs towards me.

We start setting up but I can hear voices yelling downstairs. I ignore them and continue to set up but when they got louder I got curious. I gathered up ritchie, big head, bells, and brady to go check it out. Stay here and make sure the tents okay I'll be back. Kaylee nods as I leave the room and tipsy toward the upstairs hall. Our footsteps creecked from the floor. Ritchie and bells flew to lessen the noise and less likely to get caught. Looking down from the balcony I see a finillar sight but never thought i'd see it in this situation.

Looking over the balcony I see Ritchie's dad, my dad, austin, bri, and some guys behind me and ritchies parents. I recognized them there apart of the mafia. What are they doing here I thought he left after what happened before. We decided to listen in. We only heard snippets, bits and peices of a conversation there words seemed echoed but they were whispering yet yelling as loud as lions roars.

"You have no right to be here and demanding things"

"There my sons"

"You cared little and only care for your mafia so I took the boys in and I regret nothing"

"There not yours there ours and wr have a right to take them home"

"Calm down jp we can talk about this. The rest was muffled so I couldn't hear.  I hear the voice continue you have no right to take them anymore"

"Exactly I suggest you leave before I call the police"

"You forget I rule a mafia give us back our sons or well have to use extreme measures" he continued I can see his mouth moving but no words I could hear coming out.

"You wouldn't not with all these kids a round"

"Most are freaks of nature anyway"

Me and Ritchie were halfway to the mainroom when we got to the main room no one even noticed us they were too busy arguing.

"Is that all we are to you now freaks of nature?" Ritchie asked if seems his question surprised them because the room went dead silent. Ritchie continued "I may be a vampire now and not have big brains I know a good parent doesn't call there kid a "freak of nature" that's just mean!

"Ritchie I didn't mean- JP tried to explain himself but Ritchie imerupted him again. "All I wanted was love! Your always super busy with the mafia and me and cousin Michel are always training we never have family time." Understanding where ritchie was getting at I continue.
The mafia may seem hard to run. You train all day no love just tough fighting and yelling. But family is different. Family everyone is kind to each other and even if you fight you always have each others back. Family is no matter where you come from if your close enough your family. Richie continued. "This daycare has become our family and we love the mafia we grew up there and we love you both too but..I don't wanna get yelled at all the time and have no one help me when I get boo boos and just be told to suck it up. Were 5 and 6 years old we need love and attention and-" he started to tear up. "The mafia may be good for you but clearly not for the boys. Now do me a favor and leave me and family alone. Becuse as far as I see the boys seem to have no interest in going back to the mafia and your now trespassing so I suggest you leave. Me and Ritchie ran up and hugged them in tears. "If this place makes you happy i guess I'll allow you to stay here" my dad said which made me happy. Yay! Ritchie's dad nodded in agreement and we all hugged. Little did we know the other daycare kida were watching on the balcony of the 2nd floor with pitch forks and weapons ready to kick butt as me and Ritchie later found out. We all made up and everything was cool. Before Devin and JP left austin looked at them with a funny face and said "my sons" which gave me an idea. Ilooked back at austin. Dad I'm hungry! He and bri looked at me with a surprised face for a quick moment then he replied "alright well go Q and tell the other kids I'm making food. I cheerfully walked forward the elevator before hearing the normal

The mafia is a place for fighting, war, tough "love", guns, knifes, violence, deals, etc And that's fine but I learned something while being here at daycare...

Thats now how family works.
1190 words..

Thats chapter 7 of  truth or dare. I got nothing else to say besides hope I didn't make anyone cry and keep being beans!

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