Be careful what you wish for

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Universe: Lukos Hill
(Lucos hill fanart i made above)
Im basing this off the unfinished season 1 with the people in the remake&some aspects.
Austin's pov:

I can hear voices there so familiar but yet they sound muffled. Ow, my head hurts. "How is he alive?!?" One voice seemed concerned. "I don't know but I'm glad he is" another replied who i recognized was Ritchie's voice. "Okay well he's alive but what do we tell him when he wakes up?" I hear bri. What are they talking about..are they talking about me? I mean i think im alive. I barely remember what happened. Your spirit has died but has risen from below and reborn. I what the- open my eyes to see light. Am i dead? "Austin your awake thank god!" Everyone runs up to me. I try to sit up in bed but it takes a 2nd try to sit up. What's going on? Why do you all seem so worried and why would i be dead, where even am i??!?
They all look at me with blank expressions on their faces Michel was about to say something in till the door opened. It was dolten. "You're in the hospital funny how you suppose to working but instead you're a patient
He simply said before walking up to where we were. "What do you remember?" He was writing stuff down on his clipboard. I started to think. Well, i remember being at the school dance. Then i just remember smelling smoke. I was on the roof with someone can't remember who. i couldn't see anything so i headed for the stairs to get outta the building since the buildings too high to jump off of. The building was collapsing and the stairs down to the main floor were going to get blocked. I told the person i was with to run and get help and i would be okay. She ran and i headed back up to the roof to get someone's attention but before i made it to where the stairs were everything went black. The last thing i remember is hearing sirens. then i heard voices assumed it was yours but i heard one i didnt recognize and it said something thats confusing. "Voice? What did it say? everyone around me seemed as confused as i was which was not helping. It said, "Your spirit has died but has risen from below and reborn." Why do you have super surprised looks on your faces what is going on? If this is a prank this isn't funny.

Michel's pov:
Everyone in that fire that was left died. "You and some girl weren't on that roof. Me, you, and a few other girls were. We smelled the smoke and ran to the first floor. You told us to go first and run but- bri stopped for a moment then continued. " when we go through a pillar fell and blocked the stairs down from the roof blocking you above. We ran to get help but by the time the firemen got to you, you were barely breathing and badly injured." bri didn't look straight up when speaking she simply swung her arms and looked at the papers in her hand the firefighters had given her. No one had any idea why you ended up alive not even now. The doctors all thought you were in a coma. As of now you're all bandaged up and if dr d gives you the okay your free to go home. "I am doing a few tests to see if everythings normal so for now take the week off work to heal up. I'll call you when i get the results" dr d assumed Austin everything aas going to be okay and Ritchie was asking him all these questions. Protective sibling, i guess i wouldn't know. Well, we should probably get going we still have to get back to the school and see if any of our stuff is left. "True, get better soon Austin" bri smiles and leaves the room. Ritchie says goodbye as well and leaves the room. Now it's only me, Dolton, and Austin. So Dr.D how did he really survive that fire when everyone else died? "I'm not sure it wasnt just fire from what i heard a group of students has weapons and lighters. They were the ones who caused the fire. It was obviously planned for no one to live." He explained. Yeah but from what i heard almost 120 out of the 500 kids at that party survived. They succeeded in a sense many died today. Who could they have possibly been going for? "Does the name misfits ring a bell?" in the huntress misfits? Yeah, there a group fo hunt- oh god i think i know who they were going for. "They were aiming to kill any supernatural at that dance. They knew they would be the ones most likely to still be in the building during that fire." Dr. D went towards his desk and took out a bottle of medications and out it on the desk next to Austin who was asleep. "Tomorrow he should be able to leave." I headed for the door.  I feel sorry for him. He got wrapped up in something he has nothing to do with nothing to with. "T-this is impossible.!!" Dr d was freaking out. I ran towards the computer he was looking at and just stared at it stunned. " least he won't feel left out anymore." Dolton chuckled. Yeah, i guess thats true Austin should have been careful what he wished for.
943 words! Longer chapters take such a long time to write but gosh was it worth it! Definitely making a part 2 to this. As always feel free to lave ur guesses to what Dolton and Michel saw on austins test results. As well as some requests.

Hint: it has nothing to do with the fire. I just wanted to add an aspect from the first season/original.

Tats it Happy St Patricks day and have an awesome day/night even if you dont celebrate.

Total word(including this part): 1,031
Total story words: 943 words

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