we meet again

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Universe: Origin Z

This story takes place exactly 2 years after the events of most people's origins finals. This one will focus on two characters endings although if you would like to see my version of the aftermath of someone else's ending feel free to let me know.

Trigger Warning:

This chapter will have mentions or indications of death, murder, apocalypse, suicide, drinking, and swearing. This chapter is recommend for ages 13+ you have been warned

After The events of the apocalypse
I decided it was best to try to survive else wear since safe haven is gone and the apocalypse has no end
It wasn't a pretty ending but..
Not all stories have a happily ever after. This isn't some fairy tale this is reality and that day it hit me like a brick. Many Loosing everything during the apocalypse and many

Had to let go...

???'s pov:

Another day another grug. (you're a legend if you understand that reference) Time to go out exploring for some more supplies. i start to wander around in till i make it to where i see a few buildings, jackpot a town! A lot of this town is looted which isn't helpful but i found some food and a set clothes which might come in handy. Thankfully clothes was the last thing a few people thought of so ive got some options. I keep wandering the town till i reach the end. I hear a echo of a noise. A zombie? It didn't sound like one. There it is again it's a- before i can react something jumps me making my vision blur for a minute i quickly take out my gun but before i hit the trigger i hear a loud "WAIT DON'T SHOT!" i stop and see there's a dog on top of me. huh? the dog starts to lick me and seems super excited. Doggo! Alright alright get off me! Even after I told it to stop it didn't this dog really must be happy to see me. "come here boy!" The mans voice called and the dog quickly got off me and ran off. I got up and turned to look at the guy to thank him and I just stopped and ran towards him when I saw who it was.

I hugged him and for a minute the idea of the apocalypse became a blur. I can't believe your alive and you're here and I start to tear up. I'm so s-sorry I was upset and I lashed out st you in anger an- "Charlie calm down it's okay I get it. You had just lost your best friend and a lot had happened up to that point you had the right to be upset. I should apologize too..I was such a jerk and I was just so stressed with the cure and everything going on I felt like everything was against me."
His response gave me some relief. Speaking of everything that went on I look back at Dany. Hey dany no wonder you jumped me you recognized me right away didn't you bud? Dany just wagged his tail. "This fur ball didn't bother to remind me when it wanted food he's so loud! The doc complained. Well yeah he's a dog. I'm surprised you kept him last time I checked you wanted him dead. "yeah well i... had a change of heart i guess. After you left it gave me time to think and didn't wanna leave him alone to die. I know if you ended up going back and seeing him dead you'd be upset plus... he reminded me  all the cool memories in a sense." Minus safe haven blowing up and the ironwood dieing" i adeed. "I was trying to lighten the mood but yeah that to I guess" he looked at Dany. I should get going... It was nice seeing you again charlie. With that he turned away from me and started to walk away. Dany followed after him once he noticed he was gone. As I was going to leave as well something inside me told me no. This can't be it.
I turned around and bolted I knew what I had to do.


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Bonus drawing of them meeting again. This was originally the drawing for this chapter but I changed it last minute

This was suppose to be posted months ago but I lost motivation for awhile so finally going back and finishing the wips i never got to finish

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This was suppose to be posted months ago but I lost motivation for awhile so finally going back and finishing the wips i never got to finish.

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