Chapter Two: Deathstroke

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A new day began, we stood in the tech room, basically it's where the monitors and computer stuff happens

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A new day began, we stood in the tech room, basically it's where the monitors and computer stuff happens. Jason had dragged Gar into finding out who the girl was and they did. The girls name was Rose, lovely name to be given. They also found out who her Father was.

"That's Rose's father?" Rachel ask her gaze on the monitor.

"Yep," Jason replied. "The one and only Deathstroke," he went on, what a title to have.

"Is that somebody you know?" I spoke up, my eyes travelling to meet Dick's, but he only met them for a moment.

"Kind of. Old Titans business," Dick replied, his eyes trained on the screen, but something within me noticed a change with Dick, and it made me unsettle.

"Check it," Gar began, all our gazes going to him. "Former Delta Force commando, part of H.I.V.E. 'Select soldiers who underwent a series of experimental bio-enhancements'," Gar had read off the screen. "Huh. Out of the thirty-five trail subjects, the only one to survive was Slade Wilson. Interpol says he retired years ago after the death of his son, Jericho. I tried having the computer find..."

"I'll take it from here," Dick cuts off Gar before he could finish. He steps forward to the computer, and touched the screen, making the monitors on the wall switch off. I frowned at his action, maybe something of the past has got him rattled.

"Security alert. Main entrance. Access denied," the security system alerted us as an alarm sound rang through the building. Dick presses another touch-screen and an image of Donna, Dawn and Hank came up.

"So I guess you changed the code," Donna's voice came through, making me chuckle softly, but so did Rachel.

"Finally," she spoke happy that she could get to see the others again. Rachel walks away down the hallway, everyone else on her tail besides Dick, he stayed behind for a moment. Once we came out into the main entrance of the tower, we see the three of them, looking around, taking in the place.

"You guys have no idea how much this place misses you," Rachel spoke, as we walk closer to them.

"This place, huh?" Dawn states in a teasing manner, as her and Rachel hug.

"Mostly just me," Rachel states, making me make a shocked sound, as they stared at me,

"And me. Plus Gar," I state, not forgetting Gar, as I came forward and gave a tight but brief hug to Dawn. We pull back and then she hugged Gar for a moment. 

"So where's Kory?" Rachel asks, noticing her not around. Plus I wanted to talk to her, since she's from another planet she might have heard of other species and might give me an insight. I could have phoned her, but I wanted to do this face to face.

"She sort of vanished," Donna spoke. As last we heard she was working with Donna on cases to bring people down and hand them over to the police.

"What do you mean by 'vanished'?" Rachel state clearly worried for Kory and so was I.

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