Epilogue: Known {Extra}

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It's been a week since I had told the Titans about me not being human, and strangely enough they were taking it good. I mean I had myself worrying over it a lot and they are cool about it all. Everything was the same and for that I was thrilled about, but now I didn't have to fear of my secret getting out.

I was currently on the balcony over looking San Francisco, it was night so the city was lit up, the lights were beautiful to stare at, the roads were quite but not too quite, and the breeze was heavenly on my skin. I was just wearing a black tight jeans, and a fluffy grey jumper, but it was more like a sweater. I took a deep refreshing sigh as life was good right now, and it couldn't be any better. I could just burst into song... My eyes widen in shock, almost. I hadn't sung for awhile now, and I mean what better time than this night. I waved my hand out and a pink smoke generated in the air, inches from my fingers. Once the smoke was gone, I was holding a plain wooden ukulele, and I brought it to my chest, hugging it. As this was my father's, he had passed it down to me when I was a girl. I could remember the day clearly, he was so thrilled to give it to me, and I was so happy to receive it. I brought it from my chest and held it correctly, and strummed the strings... It was music to my ears. A song came into mind as well, just a small one, I could sing it in English and French. I began to strum the cords correctly as I remember the song well.

"Hold me close and hold me fast. The magic spell you cast. This is la vie en rose-" I began strumming at the correct time of the song. "-When you kiss me, Heaven sighs and though I close my eyes, I see la vie en rose. When you press me to your heart and in a world apart, a world where roses bloom. And when you speak Angels sing from above. Every day words seems to turn into love songs... Give your heart and soul to me and life will always be La vie en rose," my voice was angelic, and soothing to hear but also powerful in this form. I didn't miss a strum and sang in sync with my ukulele. I still got it...

"Didn't know you could sing," A voice erupted behind me, making me jolt upright before spinning around to be met with those chocolate eyes of Dick Grayson.

"How long have you been there?" I rushed out to him, blushing slightly at his stare.

"Long enough to know that was amazing," Dick gave me the compliment, making me blush some more as my gaze drifted from his. "Didn't know you could play the ukulele either," Dick went on making me reconnect my eyes to him offering a smile.

"I'm surprised I've still got it, haven't played in awhile," I told Dick holding the ukulele out a bit, before it collects pink smokes and vanishes from my hand and back where it belongs. "But I guess it comes with the package," my voice lowered as he knew what I was mentioning. My Father had powers but I had no idea what they were and I couldn't ask him what they were...

"No ones angry at you Vanessa. We all know it must have been hard for you tell us. As you've only know for awhile," Dick responded softly to me, taking a few steps forward, offering a thin smile, trying to offer me some comfort. "But we're glad you did. It takes courage and bravery to do what you did," Dick was being extra nice to me today, it was kind of strange to witness but I found it adorable, plus he was giving me that half smile of his, which was irresistible like the rest of him...

"Thank you," I state to him, moving a strand of my hair out of my face

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"Thank you," I state to him, moving a strand of my hair out of my face. "I didn't want to keep this side of me from you all because you all mean so much to me," I confessed to him as I didn't hide my secrets from him nor my true-self. "Especially you," I announced unexpectedly, making his eyes widen in surprise at the sudden turn of events. Since I had exposed my true-self I felt more confident and more outgoing. I chuckled slightly at his sudden change of expression. "Anodite got your tongue?" I joked with him, as he let out a deep chuckle. "Seriously Dick, I don't think I've ever met someone like you. You're talented, kind, hot-headed, selfless... I remember the day I first met you," I began taking a step closer to him, bringing his hands into mine as I stared into them chocolate eyes. "I was sneaking around the police station to find Rachel, but I bumped into a man and fell, but he caught me in his arms and the first thing I noticed was those chocolate eyes of his, how alluring they were," as I mentioned his eyes my hand lifted from his to the back of his head, lacing my fingers through his hair, staring into his eyes. "Still to this day, I see the man who I bumped into. The man I care for so much," tears began to form in my eyes, as this was kind of emotional and bitch I was taking charge of this...

"Vanessa," Dick voice was soft in my ears. "I care for you too," I stood there frozen in place as that was not the response that I thought I was going to get. "I don't think I can deny these feelings any longer for you. Vanessa I think I'm falling for you," the words was what I wanted to hear right now. Without warning, Dick quickly leans in and plants a kiss on my lips, they were warm and tasted so good. His hands found their way to my waist, pulling me in further into the kiss as my hands had wrapped around his head, threading through his hair. The kiss was short but it held so much emotion behind it all. There was passion, lust, heat, and it made my heart beat so much faster than it should be. His lips peeled from mine as my eyes stared into his, as I was literally speechless right now, but all I wanted to do was to stare into his eyes. "I've been wanting to do that for weeks," his deep voice was heaven to me as I offered him a smile, but without another word, I leaned into him our lips connecting once again as we began to kiss...

I might not know what will happen in years to come, nor tomorrow. All I could do was live the days to my fullest, being free and alive. In the end we're just stories, stories that are playing our lives out. Destiny or fate was real, fate brought me to Rachel and Destiny brought me to Dick that I was sure of. But it also lead me to new friends, a new family that will have my back no matter what, no matter what shit we're in. We will always be there for one another.

The word is a scary, unknown place, but all we can do is face it without fear and together...



Omg guys!! I've finished the book and I just love this chapter!!! I know I said I was going to make five, but after this ending I don't think I need to make more. So thank you all so much for reading Invisible and Unknown, it really means a lot too me. I am hoping for a third book in this series if they make another season of Titans. So in the meantime, enjoy my other books and see you all in the third book!

- Josh(Yoshi)

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