Chapter Ten: Broken Team

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Dick had gathered us all in the kitchen area, he also found Jason and brought him back. Jason sat at the table meters away from the kitchen island. Rachel sat cross-legged on the island, her back against a pillar, Rose sat beside her on a stool, while Gar was behind the island sat on the counter. Hank and Dawn sat on the stools, to the left of Rose and Donna was at the right end of the island, leaning on it. My back was lent against the pillar Rachel was using as my arms was folded over my chest, my gaze on Dick who was in front of us all.

"I lied," Dick began, as finally we were all going to get some answers. "I lied to you guys, because I was afraid you'd leave this place. And me," his gaze was on the current Titans. "And if that happened, there would be no Titans... And I lied to you, too," his gaze shifting over to the old Titans. "I told you that Jericho was dead when I got to the church, but he wasn't. He was alive. He died trying to save me from his father," Dick let the truth out, what I can gather, it all relates to Deathstroke. Dick got Slade's son killed. "I'm sorry... You all deserved more," Dick's gaze didn't look at either one of us as he folded his arms. This was the secret that was getting under everyone's skin and why Deathstroke was a big part of our lives right now...

I see Hank lean forward on the stool, Dawn's face widened in horror, as she thinks that he's going to do something, probably, he will. I could feel the air get tense, as Dick and Hank stared at one another, before Hank comes to stand before making his way to stand in-front of Dick. They exchange a few seconds of stares, and I was waiting for the penny to drop... Quick as a flash, Hank right hooks Dick in the face, making Kory stand to her feet.

"Lying sack of shit!" Hank said to Dick but Dawn quickly got to Hank's side, and grabbed his arm before he could do anything more

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"Lying sack of shit!" Hank said to Dick but Dawn quickly got to Hank's side, and grabbed his arm before he could do anything more.

"How many other fucking half-truths have you told us?" Donna spoke in a angry tone as Dick came back around holding his nose while blood poured from his nostrils.

"At least you got a half-truth," Rachel replied in a soft voice, as we didn't fully understand what was happening, but we knew enough.

"My brother's dead because of you," Rose began his gaze on Dick, before standing to her feet. "I'm out," she turns and goes to the hallway where the rooms lay.

"I'm going with her," Jason spoke up, raising from the chair.

"Jason, you..."

"Look, you don't decide what I do anymore. What anybody does," Jason cut Dick off before he could get any words out. I kept myself quite as I see Jason leave the room.

"I'm out, too," Donna's voice pierced the air, as she come from the right end of the island.

"I'm going with Donna," Rachel states unfolding her legs and jumping down from the island, landing in front of Donna. "Can I go with you?" She asks Donna, but her gaze went to Dick, no idea what to do.

"Sure," Donna replied as it wouldn't hurt to let Rachel tag along, plus she would be safe with her.

"Rachel?" Gar was going to protest on her leaving, I know that for sure.

"I can't stay here," she told Gar, before turning and walking away. Her eyes catched mine and I nodded to her with a smile, knowing that she was doing the right thing.

"Let's go," Hank spoke after a moment, and her and Dawn went to their rooms to pack their bags. Only left were Gar, Kory and I. I found the courage to take my gaze to Dick who was already looking at me, waiting for me to speak. I couldn't though, I couldn't find the right words to give him. I gave him a shake of my head, and pushed myself off the pillar and began to walk away.

"Vanessa?" Dick's voice sounded broken, like a child calling out in distress. I came to a halt and turned back around to face him and I know I shouldn't have done that.

"Look around you Dick. Everyone's gone, the Titans are no more because you wouldn't trust us or tell us the truth..." I snapped at him, letting him have it. "You know why I joined the team?" I told him, taking myself to stand in front of him. "Because it gave me a second family, gave me new friends-" tears began to swell in my eyes and he noticed. "- and now they have scattered into the fucking wind," I couldn't contain my anger and curled my hands into fists and hit Dick on his chest, as tears ran down my cheeks. "You were supposed to look out for us, suppose to be here if we needed you. But you don't give a damn about us," with each hit on his chest they became weaker as I didn't want to actually hurt him... My fisted hands laid on his chest as he just stared at me as tears ran down my rosy cheeks. I let out a shaky breath as I dragged them off his chest and back to my sides. "I'm out too," I told him before spinning around and headed for my room, I could feel his eyes on me as I made my exit...


I packed all my things into my suitcase and duffel bag, though I bought more clothing while I was at the tower, I left some of it behind. I rolled my suitcase into the main area of the tower, as everyone who said they were going had already left the tower and by now were in cars, heading their separate ways. I stood in the middle of the room, I see Dick out on the balcony staring out to the city. I took one step forward, but stopped myself, Dick had kept things from us, major things and its broke the team apart. But at the same time I felt sorry for him, he's been through a lot and he should confine in us about stuff that will effect the team...

I guess coming out as an Alien will have to wait...

I walk to the elevator, the doors opening as I came near. I step inside and leaned over and pressed the ground floor. The elevator doors began to shut, but as they did Dick turned around and had caught me in his eyes. I stared at him for a second and the doors shut, but in that second his gaze told me a lot. My own gaze went to the elevator floor, as I felt the elevator move down. I clutch my things as I waited out the ride down, but my mind went to Dick and how he must feel, but I couldn't think like that he did this, this was on him. The doors dinged open and I exited walking down the way and left the building behind. I was met with a cold breeze, but I didn't let it bother me. I realised that I had no where to go but anywhere was better than here right now...

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