Chapter Twenty-Four: Awoke

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Vanessa held back the light tower as long as she could, but her pink wall of energy shattered as she could no longer keep the wall up. Electricity shot through the tower and out to Vanessa hitting her square in the chest, making her go flying back. Before Vanessa could hit the ground Donna sped to the tower and latched onto the metal bars and held it high in the sky as electricity zapped through her whole body as she screams in pain and Vanessa now on the ground...

"Oh, God," Dawn's soft voice rang out, as she watches this horrified moment. The crowd began to rush pass Donna getting out of the way as she was holding it up for them and Vanessa.

"Donna!" Hank shouts over as there was nothing that could have been done. But Donna kept strong and held the tower up as people ran to safety, but her screams were heard in everyone's ears. Her final screams echoes in the air, as everyone was safely out of the way and she drops the tower. Luckily, a bystander had dragged Vanessa out of the way. Donna falls upon the tower as the area around her was safe, but death arrived as Vanessa predicted.

"No!" Rachel shouts in horror as Donna was slung across the tower, smoking and lifeless. As Vanessa was also down for the taking, a burning hole etched into her chest while the blood rose from it.

"Donna! Vanessa!" Dick's voice rang out through the bitter air as he runs to the fallen tower and to the two women he cares about. He arrived within seconds of shouting their names, his gaze looks over Donna who laid dead on the tower. He quickly picks up Donna from her position and sits on the ground with her, cradling her head. The rest of the Titans came running over to this devastating scene. Kory was straight on Vanessa, checking her over but her eyes widen in fright and fear for her friend. She quickly places middle and index finger to Vanessa's neck, checking for a pulse.

"She's alive," Kory states with relief after a moment of checking, but her pulse was faint. "But it's faint," Kory went on and noticed her wound which was pulsing up blood. The gang didn't waste any time, Hank had grabbed Donna off of Dick after he had a few moments to process. But Dick picked up Vanessa, bridal style, but it was more of a lifeless corpse swinging in his arms as he moves. If they didn't treat her wound now, she will surly die...


Vanessa lays in the medical bed, hooked up to monitors that are reading her vitals. Kory and Dawn tried their best to patch Vanessa up, but her wound was too severe. The electricity had shocked through her heart and medically she should have died, but she's a strong-willed woman, who is clinging onto life. Rachel had tried healing her, but it wouldn't work, due to the fact Death had it's hand on her shoulder. No one could bare the thought of Vanessa dying not after Donna had just died and had been sent back to her homeland - Themyscira to be buried there...

Dick stood in the door-way of the medical room, still wearing his black suit and tie. He was checking up on Vanessa because he was worried and he didn't want to bury another friend. His warm chocolate eyes wouldn't move from Vanessa's stillness figure as the monitors beep steadily. Dick found the courage within to come into the room and stand at the side of her bed, looking down upon her beautiful face - which was kind of pale now, like the life was being sucked out of her.

"I'm sorry," Dick spoke softly, hoping that Vanessa would hear him. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't there too protect you, too fight along side you," he continued while sitting down on the edge of the bed, grabbing Vanessa's cold hand. "You don't deserve this. You don't belong in the ground because you're special to everyone here... And you're more special to me than you know," Dick started to confess his feelings, which was new but at this moment in time he didn't care, he just wanted Vanessa back. "And I don't want to let you go, because the world needs you, and this teams needs you," he confesses to her as he just stares at her stiff face, hoping for a change. Wishing that she would open her eyes. Dick gives her hand a firm squeeze, before leaning up and placing his soft lips upon her forehead, which lasted a sweet moment... "Come back to us," he states firmly as it was an order he was hoping she would obey this time...

Dick lets go of Vanessa's hand and began to walk away, knowing that he couldn't do much to help her out, this was all on her and what she decides to do. Dick stops at the door, turning his gaze back to look at Vanessa, having one last lingering look just in case...


Vanessa was released from her bindings as she stares at herself, but it was like a staring contest right now, but Vanessa wasn't having any of it. She wanted to return to the land of the living, to see her friends.

"You know what to do," the Anodite Vanessa spoke offering her hands out to Vanessa. She did know what she had to do and it was to take in her true-self, take in this part of her that is different from the rest of her friends. Telling them will be the first thing she will do when she wakes from this death type sleep. Vanessa slowly began to raise her own hands, and locked them with her other self, and took a deep breath as they both stared at one another. It was like looking into a mirror...

"Haec forma mea iam-" Both of them began to speak the words, their voices in sync. "-erit transferre in unum," as the finished the chant, a blinding light engulfed both of them and Vanessa could feel something snap back into place and feel liberating to her. Once the blinding light vanished, Vanessa only stood there now in an abyss of white-space.

"Death did not take you, but it took Donna," a voice rang out in the void, but Vanessa couldn't have time to process anything as she was sent on her way...


As Dick turns his head back around and took a step forward the monitor began to beep slightly. For a moment he thought his mind was playing a trick on him, but the monitor began to beep furiously. Dick spins around quickly to see Vanessa convulsing in the bed like someone was shaking her up and down. Her vitals were in the red, and Dick's heart sank in that moment, as he rushes over to try and keep Vanessa still. Suddenly, Kory, Dawn and Hank all entered the room.

"Help me!" Dick yells to them as they rush over, Dawn and Hank took the right side of the bed, and Kory joined Dick as they all held Vanessa down. But she was too jumpy and trying to break free of their holds, it was like she was being possessed. Just then a burst of a force-field had ricochet from her body, shooting her friends off of her and to the floor. All of them grunt in slight pain as that was a shock for them, but they were all back on their feet as fast as they could.

Suddenly, Vanessa jolted up right while screaming at the top of her lungs, her eyes glowing a pale pink colour, her whole eyes weren't visible at all. The monitors began to spit electrical currents out and the windows in the room smashed, sending glass everywhere. Luckily, the team ducks for safety, but pieces of shards had gotten onto them. Vanessa's screams came to an end, making everyone look at her with shock. Her eyes began to dim and return back to normal. Everyone gathered at the foot of the bed, their gazes on Vanessa as she just looks straight forward like she was in shock and taking a moment to process...

"Donna's dead," Vanessa spoke with great sadness in her tone, tears rolled down her cheeks as her gaze flickered between everyone in the room. But they were all speechless, and Vanessa know by the outfits that they wore, they had already sent her off...

Order had to be sustained, Nature demanded a life. Though Death didn't take Vanessa, it took someone close to her, it was a cruel joke...



Ahh guys, only a few chapters left and then the book is done! I've really enjoyed creating this book and I've loved it so much. So, I am planning on doing some bonus chapters as you will. Comment below what you want to see!!

- Josh(Yoshi)

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