Chapter Twelve: Body-Hoping

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Dick and Jericho left the record store, as I aimlessly looked at a recorded in one of the stands. Not drawing any attention too myself. The bell of the door rang in my ears, making me cock my gaze to the front door, to see them leave, heading in the direction of the tower. I quickly came to the door and felt myself turn invisible as the door swings shut behind me. My eyes were on Dick and Jericho as the walked a few meters in front but I always had them in eye shot. He probably taking him in, Jason was right, he did like saving people...


I had managed to sneak my way into the tower, using the elevator with Dick and Jericho, but they stood there in silence, waiting for the elevator to reach it's floor. Just then the elevator doors ding open and Dick exits it quickly, as Jericho took a moment too take in the view.

"Follow me," Dick states to Jericho as he made his way forward, and I made my way out of the elevator before the doors closed. I took each footstep with care. "Guys, I have great news," Dick announces to the rest as I came into the main area of the tower, just as it was going to be in the future but this felt more real, more authentic.

"You're rejoining the circus?" Hank joked, as Dawn, Donna and him were at the island cutting things up for dinner. But they stopped and turned around to see Dick and Jericho, making them go tense.

"No. You have to see this," Dick just replies, as the gang moves away from the island.

"You should have called," Dawn states to Dick.

"Something came up," Dick spoke back crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes on his team mates before turning to look at Jericho. "Go ahead. Show 'em," Dick tells Jericho to use his power.

"He's asking, 'Who?'" Dawn states, as he was sign language to Dawn. 

"'Who' what?" Hank asks, clearly not understanding what was going to happen.

"Hank," I see Dick smile as he offered Hank for his project, but I also had a smile on my face as this was going to be funny to see.

"Hank' what?" Hank went on, raising his voice slightly.

"Look at Jericho," Dick replied to Hank, offering a smile to him as he knew what was about to come. I see Jericho take a deep breath as he was readying himself.

"I don't know what this is about, but I'm gonna-" Hank spoke as Jericho's soul or whatever you wanna call it leaps from his body and into Hank, cutting him off. "Dance," he states, grabbing Dawn by the hand and sliding his leg out and began to dance. "Let's dance," Jericho spoke through Hank.

"What?" Dawn was starstruck as Hank was behaving oddly, and it wasn't like him to be like this. They danced together, swaying around the room.

"My mom taught me this one," Jericho spins Dawn around and then out, before pulling her back in and dips her for a moment before letting her back out to her feet.

"What's happening to Hank?" Dawn was freaking out over Hanks new dramatic change.

"I'm not very good at this," Jericho spoke before he does a ballerina spin but clearly not as good. He then chuckles to himself as everyone was looking at him.

"That's not Hank," Dick told the others as they were totally freaked out about it but Jericho was doing different moves playing around with Hank's body.

"So this is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers?" Donna asks as she takes a hard look at Hank as she made her way to stand in-between Dick and Jericho. 

"Kind of. I can make my consciousness jump into anyone I make eye contact with. I control everything. What they do-" Jericho began to explain, as he danced his way through his explanation, a sudden clap rang out as he made Hank's hands clap together. "-What they say. Hank has no idea. I've rented him out," Jericho spoke doing a little booty pop, making me bit my bottom lip, holding back the laughter.

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