Chapter Thirteen: Jericho

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I kept an eye on Jericho, Dawn and Dick had told him who they truly were and what the others were

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I kept an eye on Jericho, Dawn and Dick had told him who they truly were and what the others were. They also told him the truth about his dad, what he really was. A killer, and that he killed their friend... Cards on the table, no more lying to him...

I walk along the pathway of San Francisco, my eyes in front to see people passing. I needed some fresh air and recharge myself as staying invisible for too long makes me feel weird about myself. I sip the warm coffee from the cup, luckily I had some money in my jeans for one. The warm liquid runs down my throat, warming me up. I lowered the cup from my lips, and continued down the pathway. A sudden bang came from the side of me, making me cock my head to the side, but it was only a person who dropped a crate onto the floor. I turn my head back around just in time to collide with someone, making the coffee cup tip up and be split all over my chest and down my breasts. An few 'ah' and mumbled swear words escaped my lips as the coffee was hot but not boiling. I dropped the coffee cup to the floor in shock, and pulled my light blue shirt from my body, trying to stop the coffee from staining. My eyes wondered from my top to see no other than Jericho, signing at me telling me that he was sorry.

"It's all right," I told him, giving him a soft smile, but he looked anxious about something besides bumping into me. "I'm-" I stopped myself before I could spill my real name. "I'm Bonnie," I held out my hand to him to make him shake it. He didn't deny it and struck his hand into mine as we shook for a few seconds, he offering a warm smile. We broke from the hand-shake and began to sign at me, which was his name. "Nice to meet you Jericho," I spoke, as his eyes seemed to lit up in surprise as I clearly understood him. I began to sign back at him, saying: 'I can understand you,' with the right hand-movements and signs. He began to sign back to me, he was offering to take me back to his place to get a change of clothing. "That would be nice thank you," I was taking a huge fucking risk here, I couldn't use my powers around them now and this was going to be weird as fuck...


We arrived at the tower, it felt so weird being at the tower in another point in time, it was so strange. The elevator doors open as we both walk out, as Jericho clung to his backpack as he enter the main area of the tower. Luckily, no one was here in the area, but Jericho went over to the kitchen and grabbed a towel from there. I came to a halt at the island and stood in front of the middle stool. Jericho comes back around and holds the towel for me.

"Thank you," I told him, as I grab the towel from him, as I began to pat my chest, and my top which now had brown coffee stains. I cock my gaze back up to met Jericho who was signing to me that he was sorry for bumping into me and ruining my outfit. "Hey, I'm fine. You don't need to apologise," I gave him a warm smile as he seemed to relax and offer a cheeky smile back.

"Jericho?!" Dawn's voice echoed from behind me, making me spin around to see her standing there. "Who's this?" She asks softly, before he began to sign at her, telling her that he bumped into me in the street and  spilled my coffee all over me. So he brought me here to clean up. I let him finish as Dawn's eyes connected to mine.

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