Chapter Sixteen: Break Out

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Donna was the first to exit the diner, but it was more like stormed out of there. Rachel was hot on her tail, as Donna knew Dick better than anyone.

"Donna, wait," Rachel tries to stop her, but she kept on walking, hoping no one would stop her.

"Troy, where are you going?" Kory's voice boomed through the air, as her and I walked side-by-side. Donna comes to a halt and spins around to face us.

"Back to San Francisco," she replied.

"No, we need to save Dick," Rachel began grabbing hold of Donna's forearm, stopping her from walking away from us.

"Dick's on his own," Donna replied kind of coldly, but she knew why he did this to himself.

"What is wrong with you?" Rachel barked back to her, hoping it would give us all an answer.

"Me? Look, I know Dick Grayson, ok? He put himself up on that cross. Nailed himself to it... He's gonna have to take himself down, too," I think Donna had enough with Dick at this moment in time.

"Donna's right," Dawn had chimed in, coming to stand next to her. "Whatever Dick's doing, he's doing to himself," Dawn spoke softly to Rachel, before her and Donna began to walk to the car.

"I'm having dreams again," Rachel quickly states, making them both stop in their tracks and turn back around to face us. "I was at Dick's funeral. Deathstroke killed him... Look, I know that I sound crazy. I know that. But Dick needs my help, and I really needs you," Rachel sounded completely defeated right and it really torn my heart up, but all I could do was listen to her plea. "Please," she began them both, hoping they would convert to our side to help Dick.

"I'm sorry, Rachel, but Gar needs us more," Donna replied, but she wasn't wrong. Gar was in trouble and we all needed to help him out, to bring him back to us. Donna turns to her car and enters it, waiting for Dawn to enter.

"I get why you're doing this," Dawn starts coming forward to Rachel, before laying a hand on her cheek. "I do... But I'm gonna go with Donna. Soon as you're done here, you come find us, ok?" Dawn was always gentle with Rachel, like a mother was with their daughters and I loved Dawn for that, she is a truly special person. Dawn's hand dropped from Rachel's cheek, and the engine to the car started up as she walks too it.

"Dawn," Rachel's voice begging her to stay, but she didn't look back and got into the car. Donna began to drive and turned around, leaving down the road. Leaving, Rachel, Kory and I together outside this diner.

"So I guess you're both leaving, too?" Rachel turns to face us to ask this question.

"Hell, no," Kory spoke, her arms crossed over as her gaze was on Rachel. Rachel turned her eyes to me, as I offered her a small smile.

"He might be a dick, but I'm not giving up on him," I told her, my smile widening. "Let's go," I told her as I began to walk over to Kory's car that was parked next to the diner. I gotten in the passenger side as Kory got in the driver side, and Rachel in the back. But we're hoping to get to Dick in time...


The drive to the person was longer than expected as we had to drive all that way down to Kane, Jail. Night had fallen upon us, but we needed a plan of action to actually get inside of the prison as we didn't want to go in there half-cocked.

"Ok, plan," I began as we sat outside in the car, my body turned to face Rachel and Kory. "I'll get us inside, sneak pass the guards. Get Dick, and get out," I cock my gaze to both of them, as they nodded their heads at the idea was good. I took a deep breath, as I began to focus us getting into the prison. A sudden wind began to pick up, but we were in the car so it wasn't possible. But the wind began to pick up and a portal began to form over our heads. Which was on the ceiling of the car, my gaze shot up to look at the portal, it appeared as a swirling pink vortex like the Time Travelling spell, but we all couldn't look for long as it suddenly sucked the three of us into it...

Just then we were all shot out into the prison within seconds of us being sucked up. We landed in one of the many of the hallways, all stumbling slightly but we kept our balance. Kory and Rachel looked over to one another, for a few moments like they were communicating without any words, before taking their gazes to me. 

"That's new," Kory spoke, flipping her head back as she gave me a look. 

"We're in aren't we?" I shot back raising an eyebrow to them. Though their expressions were clearly shocked that we had gotten inside. "Now let's find Dick," I told them, as we began to walk through the dull, lifeless coloured hallway. The windows had metal bars on the inside and the outside of the prison, to make layers of security. As we continued walking down this long hallway we all saw a corner coming into our sights, but - with our luck - a guard came around, making us all stop and stare at one another. He quickly went to his hostler and grabbed his gun, but I quickly shot out my hand to him and two rings of pink energy wrapped around him. One around his torso and the other wrapped around his knee-caps. I clutch my hand into a fist and he became stiff his arms and legs straight as like he was a pencil. We rushed down the hallway to this corner to stand in front of the guard.

"Where's Dick Grayson?" I spoke softly to the guard, hoping that he would give me the answer as he would be scared right now. 

"He-he's in cell 12, down there," the guard stutters out, scared for his life and I made it that way, but there was not time for kindness right now. I clicked my fingers effortlessly, and the two rings around the guard disappeared and he fell to the ground, unconscious. Kory, Rachel and I all walk around the corner like three bad-bitches, ready to get Dick. 

Down this new hallway was three guards all guarding a gate that lead to the cells, they noticed us out of the corner of their eyes and jumped into action. Two of the closest ones came rushing down the hallway, but Kory was fast and began to fight them, but the other guard began to look scared and ran. Rachel extended her arm out and the darkness leapt from her, her irises turning red as the gem on her forehead also glow. The guard ran pass gate, hoping he would out run Rachel. Her and I walk forward coming to the metal gate to see - just in time - the guard being gripped by her shadowy tentacle and forced him to the ground and pulls him back to Rachel. She comes over quickly and places her foot on the guard as she held her hand out slightly. 

I hear one of the guards grunt come from behind, making me cock my head back to see an unconscious guard at the gate, as Kory dragged the other in with us, as he was struggling against her hold. He tries to throw a punch to break her connection to his throat, but she blocks his attack and then knees him in the abdomen and throws him into the wall and punching him once again in the chest, and he went down. Kory took her gaze and walked over to Rachel and I, who hovered over the guard on the ground. Kory gives Rachel a look as the guard raises his arm up in the air, for dramatic effect as he was being choked. She brings back her shadowy tentacle and her eyes dimmed from their red colour as she punches the guard square in his face and he was knocked out.

"Nice job girls," I spoke with a smirk to them as we all wonder down the way coming to a stop outside of cell 12. Kory was getting ready to use her power to shoot down the door. Her hair began to lit up as well did her eyes, as she shot out her right hand to the door, but flames grow on her hand but never shot off. Kory's fiery glow vanished and she looks to her hand as her powers weren't working. 

"You ok?" Rachel asks, as she was cornered about her friend as I was as well. But it was also night, so she might be depleted as the sun wasn't out.  

"Yeah, of course," Kory spoke back, rubbing her palm with her fingers. "Stand back," she cocked her gaze to Rachel and I, and we both took a step back, as she ready herself again. Kory thrusted her hand out as she glowed and flames shot from her palm, hitting the metal door. With the force of the blast the door comes falling to the ground within the cell, sparks flying off it for a moment, as Kory was now back to her normal self. We all entered the cell and looked around, it was spacey but very dull. I took my eyes around, but someone on the wall got my attention as I came to view the back wall. On the wall was etched 'Jericho is alive'. Dick knows he's alive, he figured it out by himself. 

A smile came to my face, I didn't know why, but it felt right, Dick knowing that Jericho was alive was a good sign. The weight of guilt and regret would be lifted from his shoulders, might not be a lot, but enough to get back up and find the truth...

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