Chapter Twenty-Six: Angelica {Extra}

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It's been a few days since Donna had died, and it was still taking it's toll on all of us. But we were getting through it, we had each other to look out for. I was currently sitting on the couch, the fire lit and the blazing heat hit where I was. Night was also upon the city, as I was curled up on the couch, just staring into the fire as my mind replayed that awful day. The screams of the crowds, their scared expressions, then Donna's death... Though I was unconscious I could picture it clear as day. Tears began to form in my eyes, and they began to blur, but I quickly blinked them away. Donna might not be here anymore but she was always be in our hearts.

"You alright?" Kory's voice boomed through the air, making me cock my gaze up to see her at the steps that lead to the couch. Her arms crossed over her chest as she looks at me with concern, but all I could muster up with a nod. But she knew better than I wasn't alright. "Vanessa," she gives me look, that knowing look, but it makes me crumble.

"No, I'm not," I replied back to her as she walks up and comes to sit next to me, she uncross her arms and wrapped them around me, pulling me into her embrace. "I don't think I will be," I told her truthful because loss was kind of new to me and it was hitting me harder than I thought. "I'm angry at myself. I'm angry at Donna, when I shouldn't be-" I cut myself off because if I went on I would burst into tears and I've had enough of crying. 

"You cannot blame yourself. You did all you could," Kory encouraged me, but deep down I did feel like it was my fault her death was on my hands. Her blood stained my hands, and that blood will never be washed away. Though I wanted to yell and argue back that she was wrong but I had no emotional energy to do so. I reminded quite in her embrace, hoping that this would make me a bit better, though it did the pain was still there. "How about I get us some Chinese food and we can watch a movie?" Kory counters, hoping that would cheer me up, my gaze met hers and I nodded offering a small smile. She squeezes me tight one last time before standing to her feet and walked to the elevator, off for the food. I don't think Chinese food will make me feel any better...


Kory had arrived back with the Chinese food, which smelt amazing - maybe it will help a bit. She got my favourite meal, and we sat on the couch together and watched a movie. I couldn't ask for a better friend right now, but the pain was still eating away at me and the weight of my own secret was heavy on my chest. I felt like I was drowning. I stopped eating from my plate, as I lowered it to my lap.

"Should I tell the others?" I asked, just out of the blue making Kory turn her gaze to me, wearing a confused look. "About not being human?" I went on as her eyes lit up as she placed her own plate on her lap, becoming serious in the face.

"Are you ready to tell them?" Kory asks carefully, offering a small smile.

"When I was hurt, I had a dream of sorts and I had to accept myself for the true person I am. I don't want to live in the shadows anymore, I don't want to be invisible to my friends. I want them to know the truth,"  I told her confidently as I swirled my hand over my plate, it gathers a light pink tint of smoke before vanishing from my lap over to the kitchen counter. "Donna would want me to tell them," I smiled softly to her as she nodded her head agreeing with my statement before I walked over to the middle of the room. I stood there and closed my eyes, my mind reaching out to everyone who was in the tower. "Come to the kitchen, all of you. Also don't be frightened, you're not going mad," I had told them all through my mind without speaking a word. I reopened my eyes and stared at the hallway that lead to the bedrooms. Dawn was the first one through, she scratching at her head holding a confused expression. Not far behind walked in Hank, then Dick, Gar, Rose, and Conner. All wearing a confused expression on their faces, which was kind of priceless to see.

"Did anyone else hear Vanessa's voice in their head?" Hank had asked looking between everyone.

"How did you do that?" Gar had spoken up, his gaze met mine.

"My powers have been expanding," I told them as I felt their eyes upon me, wanting to know why I called them here. "I asked you here because I have something to say and it's really important," I began my eyes flickering between them all. "Within the pass few months, I've been holding onto a secret, a secret that I need to share with you all because you're family..." I see each one of them smile at me. "My birth name is Angelica and... I'm not human," the words rolled off my tongue with ease, but I was nervous as hell. They pulled shocked and surprised faces knowing that this was kind of a big deal. "My parents were two different species. My father's species, Auqnaids and my mother's Anodites. However, my mother was a being of pure energy, meaning she had lack of DNA, making me One hundred percent my father's specie. But I gained her gifts which is why I can enter your minds, perform spells... I just didn't want to lie to you anymore," I finally told them the truth and it was like a weight lifting from my chest. But my gaze drifted from each one of them as I didn't want to meet anyone's eyes right now.

"Vanessa, you didn't need to hide this from us," Dawn had started off, as she takes a few steps forward. "You're our family. That's not gonna change," Dawn embraces me into a hug which was warm and comforting.

"Yeah. You're still the Vanessa you've always been, but more powerful," Gar chuckles at the thought as Dawn had pulled back from the hug as I offered him a smile.

"No one could ever replace you. You're truly one of a kind," Dick spoke up making me lock eyes with him. I gave him a big ass smile and rushed forward and wrapped my hands around his neck hugging him tightly. His answer was the only one that mattered to me right now... He didn't waste anytime and wrapped his own arms around my waist pulling me into the hug deeper. He was some warm and smelt amazing, I was loving this moment. I didn't want it to end...

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