Chapter Seven: Anodite

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*Three Months Ago*

Vanessa sits on the chair, within her room in the tower. It had only been a few weeks since she joined the team, but she has been busy. The spell book and the letter was next to one another on the desk she was at. Her gaze flickered between the two, she had finally had some down time to actually research what her mother species is. The letter states that Vanessa could find out more about 'Anodites' in the book.

"Show me 'Anodites'" she spoke aloud to the book, as before when she needed help the book found a spell that would be right for her. Suddenly, the book flips open and began flicking through the pages, quite quickly. About half-way into the book, it slows and stops at double page. On the left page was the fancy title 'Anodites' and on the other page was a illustration of a humanoid figure, their hair a pink colour, their body was different shades of purple. The Anodite was in a God like position, their hands facing up, both hands had like circle discs, shining and they appeared to be floating. The art work was fantastic, and life-like almost. Vanessa's eyes scanned the piece of art, finding it fascinating, but forced her eyes back to the first page, and began reading aloud, but in a hush voice;

"Anodites are a free-spirited race of humanoid energy beings from the planet Anodyne. Mature anodites are pure energy and can draw life from the mana around them. While they can theoretically absorb mana from other sentient life forms, most chose not to do so," Vanessa read to herself, but under this was a subheading, smaller in size than the title, but held the elegant font. The subheading was titled 'Abilities', and she didn't waste anytime on reading that.

"Anodites can manipulate and control life energy, the very substance of magic itself. By means of this pink/magenta-colored energy source. Anodites can generate energy blasts or create shields, barriers, ropes, chains, stepping stone and other energy constructs. However, the size, complexity, and strength of those constructs is limited only by the Anodites experience in wielding such energy... While Anodites can absorb mana from other living things. The more mana they draw in, the more powerful they become. Powerful Anodites can tamper with the mana constructs of another, who aren't as powerful as them. Anodites possess levels of telepathic abilities, they also can engage in the art of astral projection in different ways... Anodites have a body form, because they are made from pure energy they have the ability to create a human body too conceal their true form. However, if Anodites reproduce with another species, their offspring will have a true-form, which will basically be the same as Anodites... Within their true form they have extraordinary powers, such as flying through outer space, manipulating their hair into streams of energy that radiates from their head, solidifying it to use as tendrils to grasp or ensnare objects. Manipulating mana to a far greater degree compared in their human forms. Anodites possess enhanced strength and durability and are biologically immortal, as they can manipulate their crafted body's age at will..."

Vanessa couldn't believe what she was reading, it felt like she was reading a Sci-Fi novel. She is able to do all those things what she has read, everything started to make sense in a weird way to her. How she could create force-fields, how she could enter the mind of Dick when at the house. But she wasn't a pure Anodite, she didn't create this body, but she did have a true-form. Vanessa's eyes took to the picture, her hand laying on it. In an odd way, she found it soothing, that she had a visual piece of her mother in front of her. Vanessa knew much more about her Mother's species, and what she could do. She must have created a body to conceal her true form from the rest of the world and then met her father. Vanessa could imagine their first meet-up, like love a first sight and that filled her heart with joy. She closes the book, looking at the illustration one last time, before the book closed fully...

Finding happiness in part of her heritage...


After a good night sleep, the next day had arrived. While sleeping she had a crazy idea of sorts, and to her it was literally crazy. Vanessa stood on the roof's tower, looking out to the city, inhaling the fresh air which was around her. She places one foot on the ledge of the tower, and slowly got herself up onto the ledge, finding her balance. She took a few deep breaths, and made the mistake of looking down, which was stupid of her to do.

"Oh shit," she mumbled to herself, fright had took over but she had to do this, to prove that she was half-Anodite. Her idea was that she could make stepping-stones like platforms out of thin air, like she read about in the book. "You can do this," she psyches herself up, taking more deep breaths. Vanessa places one foot out while squeezing her eyes shut, but she was about to take a leap of faith in this. She takes a a step forward, but she didn't fall, she quickly steps forward again, both her feet now together... She didn't have the falling sensation or the wind in her hair. She peels open her eyes slowly, to meet the city, but her gaze drifted down to her feet and to her surprise she sees herself standing on a pink rectangle. Her eyes widen in disbelief, she was truly half Anodite. Vanessa laughs to herself in a fun, happy way, she couldn't believe it. The little doubt she had about not being an Anodite was now gone. She took a leap forward and when she did a pink rectangle came under her feet, she was shocked. Vanessa stood in the middle of the rectangle and raised her hands, the sides of the rectangle began to raise making a wall around her, but then formed together at the top like she was trapped inside a box. She was using her ability of energy construct to make different things. Vanessa swirls her hand in a circle and the box transforms into a circle ball, she giggles to herself as this felt amazing to her.

Vanessa turns slowly to face the tower and focused on moving the ball forward and it did just that. The ball swiftly moved forward and back onto the roof of the tower, the ball was gently placed on the gravel top, and pops, it vanishing like it was never created and she was on the gravel like she never left. Vanessa smiles to herself, finding this liberating. Now she can master these new abilities to help others. But she still need to learn the other half of herself, her Father side. Hopefully, Kory could be useful for this type of info when Vanessa sees her again...



Another flash back guys, hope you all enjoy this one. I did change a few things about Anodites and not added other things into it. But the main abilities are there...

- Josh(Yoshi)

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