Chapter Twenty-One: Conner

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Everyone who had a suit, suited up as we didn't know what we were going to be facing. Kory, Donna, Dawn and I all arrived at Golden Gate Park, there was a fair but it was trashed. People were also hiding as they feared for their lives. We all walk into the middle of the fair, a black jeep was parked at the bottom area, but we see Conner come out from the side, making us all look at him.

"Any ideas?" Donna asks, as we came to a halt, my gaze going to the left as I was in-between Kory and Donna.

"Hey Conner!" Kory yells to grab his attention, but he stops in his track and slowly turn his gaze upon us all, holding a dark expression. Ready to strike us down...

"Dumb idea. Yelling 'Hey, Conner' to him," I shot to Kory who just shrug her shoulders and held her hands out, but I can't blame her for trying. Conner began to take a few steps forward, like he was going to come near us, but stops as his eyes were on Dawn.

"Why is he looking at me like that?" Dawn questions, making me take my gaze to look at her.

"Probably 'cause you're dressed like a giant bird," Donna remarked at her, as it was possible.

"He has no clue who we are," I spoke aloud as Conner was just flickering his eyes between us all, like he had never seen us before. "Go talk to him," my gaze went to Donna.

"Why me?" She looks to me, pulling a expression as it was a weird request.

"I don't know, he's Kryptonian. You're Themyscirian. Maybe he'll relate," Dawn had taken over, nudging Donna with her hand to guide her along to Conner.

"Ok," Donna replied to Dawn, as she stopped tapping her to move. "Fine," she spoke after taking a deep breath, before moving forward, taking each step closer to Conner.

"Hi, Conner. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Donna Troy," Donna introduced her softly, as I hear her voice from here. "We haven't officially met, but you know, I've heard great things," this moment was a cringey one as Conner stood there stiff as a wall and his hands curled into fists like he was ready to attack. "Ok, fuck it," Donna changed tactics as being nice to him wouldn't work. "I don't know who's pulling your strings right now, but you need to snap out of it, ok. From what they say, you're at least half Superman, so can we dig down and find that half?" Donna was trying to convince him to find the will to over come this. Donna turns herself to look back at us, offering us a reassuring thin smile and a thumbs up, like she was getting somewhere with him. I had a gut feeling that this was gonna end badly. As Donna turned back to look at Conner, he suddenly took a swing at her, striking her across her face, making face go in the direction of the hit. "That was rude," she states before striking him in his chest as they began fighting.

She does a round-house kick, kicking him in the face, which was total bad-ass. She then leaps in the air, pulling her arm back and jolts her hand out hitting Conner in the face. But Conner backhands her as he recovers, making her stumble back. Conner began attacking but Donna had blocked his attacks, striking at his chest, before whaling up on his chin, making his head go flying back. But it comes back down, headbutting Donna. Donna tenses up and got mad, both strike one another in the face, making them both stumble back with the amount of force. Conner seemed to recover quicker and leaps in the air, recoiling his arm before striking at Donna. Luckily, she blocks the attack, but the force of it sends her flying backwards into a large pillar, which encased lights. Donna lays on the ground, as she was now feeling the beats of her attack...

I cock my gaze back to Conner as he took his eyes to mine, making me shoot out my hands too him, and a dome of pink energy encased him within. He looks around the force-field, wondering what it was at first, but he comes to the edge of the force-field, recoiling his arm back, his hand in a fist before thrusting it forward, connecting with the force-field. It was like a sonic blast had gone off, only a minor one, but cracks appeared on the force-field and another hit like that it would break.

"I don't think I can hold him. He's too strong," I state to the group, as he suddenly pounds on the force-field once again, but this time smashing a large piece out of it, making me jolt back as the force-field disperse into nothingness. Kory took her stand and walks forward, before stopping inches in front of him. She began to speak Krytptonian, and we had no idea what she said. But he takes a swing at Kory, but she ducks in time before coming back him, striking Conner across the face and hitting his chest, hoping it would do something.

"Fuck, I regret it," she spoke quickly, but Conner grabs hold of her throat and began to choke her out as she lets out a whimper.

"Let my friend go!" Hank's voice came into play as Conner turned to look at him, Hank had gotten a hammer from the fair and whacks it over his face, but it does nothing to Conner. Hank chuckles at this, as he knows that attack did nothing to help. Conner uses his other hand to grab hold of Hank by his throat. "I should've seen that coming," Hank choked the words out. Kory grunts in pain as Hank tries to strike Conner but it only hurts his hand. Conner began to raise Hank from the ground but Kory got lower. Conner let go of Kory and she falls back, panting, as Conner's irises began to glow red and an idea popped into my head...

"Hey Conner," I shout over to him as he brought his red eyes over to me, I cross my hand over to the left, and a wall of pink energy came across my palm, only a small rectangle. But as I did lasers came out of Conner's eyes and shot right at the wall, but it bounces back and hit's Conner in his chest, stumbling him back and losing his grip on Hank.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Dawn went forward, raising her voice to hank.

"Saving your life," Hank replied, standing back up.

"I'm doing just fine, clearly," Dawn shot back, before turning around, and began walking back over.

"I couldn't let you die before I had a chance to apologise," Hank states to her, meaning that something happened between them and they are no longer together... You could just tell, or maybe it's the teacher within...

"We'll talk about this later, Hank," Dawn replied as this wasn't the moment to argue with him. Kory and Donna had gotten themselves up and back into position.

"All right, guys. We might need to kill him," Donna states to the group, as we need to stop him before he hurts anyone else.

"Sounds great,"

"Let's do it," Dawn states then Hank went straight after, but they were forgetting that he's half Superman, meaning he's literally unkillable by our hands.

"I'm don't think he can be," I told the group as our gazes were on Conner who was adjusting to the attack on himself. He shakes himself out of it before walking towards us, but out of no where he catches a device, and it beeps like a bomb. Just then, it exploded in his hand, making me cover my eyes from the flash which lasted a second. I lowered my arm and my eyes adjusted through the smoke that the device left, but Conner wasn't standing there. Dick was and I must say, his suit was popping... In more than one place...

"Perfect timing," Kory spoke from the right of me, bringing me back to myself.

"Things are getting super fuckin' ugly out here," Hank announces to Dick.

"You're not gonna make fun of my suit?" Dick asks while walking towards us, his eyes on Hank.

"I just did," he remarks back to Dick, making me bit my bottom lip as there was no time for laughter.

"I've missed this," Dick states to us all, making me smile thinly at the idea of us teaming up again.

"We got a very angry Superboy. You have thoughts?" I asked Dick, my eyes connecting with his chocolate ones. But his gaze turns around to look at Conner who was dazed.

"Other than yelling, 'Hey, Conner'," Donna remarks to Dick but her gaze was on Kory.

"Yeah-" Dick began turning back to face us. "-But we need Rachel and Vanessa," his gaze turned to meet mine, making me raise an eyebrow at him. Knowing Dick, he'll have a plan ready to perform...

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