Chapter Nineteen: Dick Returned

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Dawn and Donna had filled us in about what they found out about who took Gar and Conner, and we filled them in on what happened to Dick. Rachel sat on the island counter, facing towards Dawn. Kory and I stood next to one another, watching and Donna was behind us, confused on what we had told her.

"Jericho is alive? Don't tell me Dick actually said that," Donna's voice soared through the air, making me cross my arms over my chest.

"Well, more scrawled it on the wall of his cell. Like, cavemen style," Rachel clarified for Donna as he didn't speak it to us, but what I saw in the past is correct, Jericho is alive.

"I don't even know what that's supposed to mean," Dawn answers confused on what he meant by the wording.

"It's a style Neanderthals used to depict images in caves walls. Usually battle scenes or hunting," Kory spoke but I think she misinterpret what Dawn had meant. Donna had joined around the island, but all eyes were on Kory, looking at her with confusion.

"I meant that Jericho's alive," Dawn cleared up the air, by repeating herself more simplicity.

"Oh, sorry," Kory apologised to her, as she totally went off topic for a moment there.

"Well, one thing's for sure. He's clearly lost his mind," Donna announces, but Dick hasn't lost his mind.

"I don't think he has. I believe Dick on this," I told the group with a firm tone of voice, making everyone cock their gazes to me.

"Then you're mad," Donna replied in a serious way, but I raised my eyebrow at her.

"But I keep having these dreams about Dick being killed by Deathstroke," Rachel began, making us all snap our gazes to her. "And they're not going away. We need to do something about that," Rachel was concerned about her dreams and what they truly meant.

"I believe you. But we have bigger problems right now," Donna got all serious because she was a woman with a plan. She flips over the tablet case, showing us all the blue print of the Cadmus building.

"Ok, what's the plan?" Rachel asks, as I unfolded my hands and placed them on the island counter, leaning into them as I listened to the game plan.

"Well, the main Cadmus office building closes at nine, and security drops down to ten. It's two at each gate and six roving inside," Kory gave us the game plan, because we couldn't charge in.

"Ok, what about the lab?" Donna asks, tapping the screen that held the lab blueprint for Cadmus.

"Whole different story. It's a twenty-hour operation and in the last week, they've doubled up the guard. Four six-hour shifts, twenty bodies around the clock. Sounds like that's where the party's at," Dawn had carried on, giving up vital information about this plan.

"Ok. Well, let's crash it," Donna states, ready to do this plan, but things can go wrong and there's our lives on the line, on-top of Gar's and Conner's.

"Oh, so we're just gonna break into Cadmus and get Conner and Gar out of there... Just the five of us?" Rachel was kind of dramatic explaining her point, her hands moving around fast.

"We don't have a choice right now, ok? But between you, Kory and Vanessa, we have plenty of firepower. At least to get us in through the front door," Donna had thought this through, well she has been doing this much longer than the three of us.

"About that. I've got some bad news," Kory spoke softly from the left of me, as I see her take her eyes to Donna. "My powers have vanished," she didn't beat around the bush.

"What?" Dawn's stunned voice came to ear.

"What do you mean?" Donna stammers for a moment, trying to grasp the concept of Kory with no powers.

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