Chapter Twenty-Three: Decide

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My eyes flutter open, but I saw the bright light of the sun shining down upon my face. I could feel the warmth soak into my pores, as I relaxed against the grass as I felt it tickle on my back as I shifted my weight. A summer breeze waft through the air, as I inhaled a deep, sensational breath, feeling a peace of mind.

"Having fun?" Dick's voice soared through me, making me cock my head to the left to see him on his back, staring up at the sky.

"That I am," I replied to his question, offering a smile to myself, but he turns his head to face me, though he was only inches away. "Are you?" I countered to him, but he gives me that Dick Grayson smile he gives, making my heart beat faster.

"I'm here with you aren't I?" He responded, I giggled at that comment, making his smile wider at my laugh. "I really do love your laugh and that cute smile," he went on complementing me, though it was strange to hear it, I just loved it. Caught up in the moment, Dick shuffles closer to me, his arm wrapping around my shoulder, pulling me closer into his warm embrace. I didn't stop him it was sort of natural, like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle fitting together. I cuddle up to him, my hand slung across his torso, as I felt right at home. I sighed a deep, calming one as I squeezed Dick hoping that this would never end...

I closed my eyes for a mere-moment and when I reopened them, Dick was no longer there and the sun had gone in, dark clouds began to form above. I shift on the grass coming up right, as I look to the sky above the clouds became darker and my surroundings become more sinister. Rain began to drop from the sky, only little droplets but I knew it will become more heavy. I slowly began to stand to my feet as a blinding pinkish tinted ball of light just appeared in front of me. I shielded myself with my arm as the ball of light began to dim, until there was nothing left.

"Time to choose," a distorted voice came from in front of me, I lowered my arm down to see the Anodite I had seen before in my dreams, meaning I was dreaming.

"Wha-What happened?" I stuttered out, trying to make sense of what had happened to me. "I-I remember I was at the Golden Gate Park, to get Conner and Gar back, and then a light tower fell, and then..." I told the Anodite, remembering what had happened to me. "Am I dead?" I asked, but it remained silent as it's face features were none existent and kind of creepy to stare at a blank face.

"You are in-between worlds, limbo the mortals call it," the Anodite spoke with it's mind, meaning I was in a state between life and death. "You have a choice to make. Live or die," It asked me, wanting to known my answer.

"Live," I replied straight off the bat. "There's things I haven't done, my life can't be over not yet. I was just getting started," I rushed out frantically. "If I die then my friends will be heart-broken, and I just can't leave it like that," I continued to the Anodite as it stood there stiff as a board, listening to me.

"You have the power over life and death too an extent," the Anodite spoke, coming forward to me, it's pink hair began to take shape of tendrils, multiple ones. Suddenly, the hair snatched forward, wrapping around my wrists as I struggled against its hold. "But life comes with a price," I struggled against its tendrils hoping to break free, but it was no use.

"What do you mean?! Who are you?!" I raised my voice at the Anodite because I had no clue who it truly was. The Anodite didn't speak but shot out it's hand as pink energy wrapped around me and held me captive. Its tendrils receded back into one firm form of pink flowing energy that made its hair. However, the Anodite began to glow like a light bulb and it was turned up to thousand, I closed my eyes as it was too bright to stare at. Within moments, the began to dim back to the normal lighting as I could see the light lifting from my eye lids. I peer open my eyes to see what the Anodite turned into too...

"Me?" I state astonished as my eyes wondered up and down the body double of myself, it was like an illusion I casted, but it wasn't.

"Correction. Anodite you," she replied as my eyes widen in surprise as she took more steps forward, now inches from my face. "The part of you which you deny to be, caged me away," she went on getting furious with each word she spoke.

"I've never denied myself from my powers," I spat back at her, knowing who I was, knowing I wouldn't cage this side of me.

"That's true, but you keep me contained, keep me in check, you won't go full extent of your powers. Nor admit who you truly are to your so called 'family'," Anodite me spoke, using air quotes on family, meaning the Titans. "But one day they will find out," she spat at me, making tears form in my eyes.

"I'm scared of telling them," I admit, my gaze drifting away from hers. "I fear what will happen, what they will think of me," my eyes seemed to meet my own eyes as she just stares at me, offering a thin smile, but it was a sympathy one.

"You've worked with them, lived with them. You know deep down how they will feel about this," Anodite me spoke the truth as I do know them. "Let them see who you truly are. Let them witness your true-self," She continued her speech to psych me up and to decide. She waves her hand out to me and the barrier that surrounded my torso had vanished as I was no longer captive in my own mind...

But in the back of my mind I had already decided...

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