Chapter Twenty-Two: Game Plan

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Dick had told me the plan, and Rachel after she had brought Gar back to us, which I was pleased for. I stood with Rachel behind a cart, ready to step in when we got the signal. I see Conner push a police car out of the way as he was looking for us. He turns around and began to walk, but I see Donna throw he magical rope out and it latches around Conner's torso, making him come to a halt in his tracks. He struggles against the rope which was glowing, that's when Rachel and I came out and came forward, and I stood to the left of her.

"Rachel, Vanessa now," Dick came running into the scene, making Rachel through out her arm and a dark tentacle leapt from her back and around Conner, covering Donna's rope. But you were able to see the shine through the swirling darkness. I raised my hand up to Conner and a pink energy leapt from the ground, and wrapped around his wrists creating cuffs to restrain him. As it would be an extra layer of protection, as Conner was strong.

"Dick, hurry up, this guy's really strong," Rachel yells over to Dick, as she brings her hands together and crosses them, to push herself in a way, her eyes and gem glowing that red colour.

"Ok, it's all you now," I spoke as I cock my gaze to Dick.

"It's all us now," Dick extends his right hand to me, as I offered him a smile, as this is how it was going to work. I latch onto Dick's hand, and Rachel inched her way closer to me, latching her hand in my right one. The darkness grew from Rachel's arm and started to spread across me at a fast rate, going over to Dick, crawling up his arm and over his face as it did the same with me. Darkness had blinded me...

I snap open my eyes to find myself in a pitch black room, my hand was still in Dick's but he had no suit on. A woman's voice rang out in Conner's mind, but it was faint. I let go of Dick's hand, as I cast my gaze around, finding Conner in a corner, crouched and cries came from him.

"Conner?" I spoke gently, as Dick and I made our way closer to him. But he sobs some more as this must be hell for him. Rachel and Donna's voice rang out in here too, but they echoed telling us to hurry.

"I don't know what they're doing to you. But you're going to be ok. You're not alone anymore," Dick's voice was smooth and caring as we stopped inches to the side of Conner. But I felt bad for him, and he was just a scared kid, who has powers that he can't control. I walk forward, crouching down in front of him as his gaze landed on me.

"Her voice... She tells me what to do. I can't make it stop," Conner replied through his crackling voice as he was crying and his look broke my heart.

"What is she telling you?" I ask him in my soft tone.

"Kill them. Kill them all," he replied to me, tears falls from his eyes. I extended my hand out and wiped those fallen tears away.

"Tell us how we can help you," I state to him, leaving my hand rested on his cheek as he nozzles into my palm, finding somewhat comfort at this time. But he seem to become distant and move his face away and look to the black wall to his right.

"I can't find the light," he responded through his cries, his hand placed on the wall. Conner takes a heavy deep breath as he lays his head on the wall, my gaze wondered over to Dick. But he moves around, his hand touching the wall as he feels his way around.

"Light," I hear him say as I stood up. Dick punches through the wall and it makes a hole, and light shone through it and into this dark abyss. My eyes widen in surprise as I took a few steps closer to Dick as his eyes are on me, giving me a nod of his head. I stood next to Dick as we both began to put our hands through the wall, to allow more light into the room, hoping that this would do the trick and set Conner free. After a few more punches into the wall, we had created a big enough hole to let a ton of light in...

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