Chapter Three: Take Down

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An hour had gone by, I didn't notice it was dark outside until I sat at the fire place, with a book - which wasn't my spell book - to read and relax. Suddenly, the lights went out in the room, making me groan in frustration as this is never a good sign. 

"Main power interrupted," the automated voice states. "Auxiliary power engaged," the only main source of light was coming from the fire place, and the orange colour lights that came on from the back up power. I see Gar and Dick come up to the window, staring out of it.

"The city's blacking out," Gar began, making me shut the book and stand to my feet, gazing out of the window.

"It's Dr. Light. He's redirecting the energy," Dick began as lights within San Francisco was going out. "Looking for a light delivery system to refuel," whole of San-Fran was out, but in the distance the stadium began to light up.

"How about a stadium?" Gar asks Dick, but he didn't answer as he rushes off to find the others. Gar took his gaze to look at me, I offered a small smile. When Dick wasn't in charge I was, but I was always the caring one in the group.

"Go to your room," I told him in a gentle tone, as he nodded his head. Gar wonders off back to his bedroom as I came down the steps, coming into the middle of the room. I paced around the room for about five minutes.

"Lit up five minutes ago. He's gonna use the stadium to recharge," Dick spoke coming from the right of me, making me stop and look at them.

"He's a grandiose motherfucker, isn't he?" Hank spoke, being himself.

"It's a challenge," Dawn counters.

"Or a trap," Donna said, both making a valid point of them all. It could be either one of them. 

"What he doesn't know is that we're all here. He's asking for a party of one," Dick comes to a halt in the middle of the room, turning back to face the rest.

"Well, let's give him a party of four," Hank was all cocky, as he thinks that this would work. I came a couple steps forward standing next to Dick.

"You want help? My force-fields might be the best bet," I told him, but he gives me a look, a look of appreciation but he also didn't want me help with this mission. 

"We'll be fine," he replies making me sigh, but it was his call and I wasn't going to argue with him.

"What, we're on the move?" Jason's voice boomed behind Dick and I, making me roll my eyes at him, but he was dressed in his Robin suit.

"Yeah, to Omaha. We'll drop you off at the bus station," Hank said jokingly to Jason.

"This doesn't have anything to do with you. We'll handle it," Dick said, nodding his head to the rest.

"Look, I didn't come here to empty the dishwasher. At least let me run interference or something," Jason begged in a way his eyes flickering between Dick and the rest.

"Not this time," Dick made the call, as Donna, Hank, and Dawn all headed to the elevator.

"I can help. I'll do whatever you say, but don't leave me behind, man," Jason pleaded with Dick, but he wasn't going to change his mind about this.

"You'll get your time. Not tonight," Dick said to him before moving down the little hallway to the elevator. Once inside they close and the blue light that came from the elevator vanished.

"Custom Friday?" Rose's voice came into the room, making me look at her, she was leaning against the frame of an arch way. Her eyes on Jason, but he sighs before walking away back the way he came, leaving Rose and I alone. "So, I hear you turn invisible... Neat," she states impressed with my power of invisibility.

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