Chapter Eleven: Back to the Past

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It's been about two days since we all disbanded. I had returned back to my parents, of course they welcomed me with open arms, as I will always have a home with them. I hadn't had any contact with Rachel or the others as I needed sometime to myself. In my blind anger, I forgot to say bye to Gar and he was sweet and a caring kid. I'll have to visit him...

I sat in the middle of my room, my legs crossed over each other like I was meditating. I took a deep breath and began to focus on Gar and the tower. I could feel wind wrap around me and I was lifted off the ground, but my feet touched the floor within seconds, making me open my eyes. I was in the kitchen area of the tower, I see Gar at the counter making a green smoothie, I smiled softly to myself as he was brave.

"Gar?" I spoke as his head moved passed the juicer to see me standing there. His eyes widen in surprise as he stopped what he was doing and came around the side.

"Vanessa, your back," he states thrilled, as he run to me, we crashed together and he hugged the hell out of me. I didn't object and hugged him the hell back. "I've missed you," he spoke as he pulls back from the hug after a moment.

"I'm not actually here," I told him sheepishly, but he looked kind of confused. "Astral projection," I told him, but his face fell in disappointment. "I'm sorry Gar, but I'm back home with my parents. But I've come to check up on you," I told him truthfully, but he turns back around and goes back to making his juice.

"Dick went. He went when you all did," Gar states to me, making me frown at him. "He said he would be back," fat chance of him coming back here after all what happened. I came forward to the island and my eyes cast to the side, to see two sticky notes stuck on the wooden part of the rack. 'Fitter. Happier. Moar Productive' and there was another one. 'Always look on the bright side of life' with a smiley face under it. I smiled softly at the notes, Gar had a lot of faith for a kid. "When are you coming back?" Gar said, making me turn my gaze to face him as he was at the juicer now.

"I need a few more days Gar to get my head wrapped around it," I told him the truth, but there was still the truth about my true-self, but I wanted everyone here for that. I want to tell everyone my secret...

"I understand," he replied, as I offered him a thin smile. "But make the right choice. You know you belong here with us. You're an wonderful person Vanessa, we're lucky to have you on the team because you care about it. We saw how you acted when Jason went missing, how you put your life on the line to go save him," Gar spoke from his heart, making me tear up a bit. "That's what being a team is all about," he went on as I gave him a big smile, I also let out a 'aw' sound.

"Thank you Gar," I spoke to him in a meaningful tone. "Keep that faith you have. Things might be tough now, but I believe deep down that the Titans won't stay disbanded for long," I told him as he gives me a firm nod of his head. "I'll see you in a few days," I said, before closing my eyes and I felt my astral body fly back to my physical one.

Within seconds, I opened my eyes and I was back in my physical body, in my room like I never left. Tears ran down my cheeks as the words Gar spoke had really gotten to me. The team still is my second family, it doesn't matter if we disbanded. I know in my heart that they would always be there for me no matter what. I might have been hard on Dick, the old Titans broke up five years ago after Garth had died. What they did in the past was coming back up to bite them in the ass and I should have been supportive with Dick, but I was still upset that he didn't trust us with the truth...


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