Chapter Fourteen: Back Home

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I followed Jericho to where he was meeting his Father, but I kept my distance, letting him enter the Church first. The information that I learnt in the future that he was really good at his job and got it done...

I enter the Church unseen as I was invisible but I was on a balcony that was in the Church. I see below Deathstroke and Jericho, inches from each other, it looked like Slade was giving Jericho something. Suddenly, Slade snaps his gaze from his son, looking around the area, making me frown as he puts away what he was going to give his son.

"I can hear your heartbeat," Slade spoke, was he on about me or someone else, as his gaze wasn't upon the balcony. He took a few steps forward, as Jericho didn't move. "I can hear you breathe," he went on, but my gaze went over the edge to see Dick in his Robin costume. "I knew you were coming before the thought entered your head," Slade went on as Dick came down the way, Jericho sees him before storming pass his father and signed at Dick, saying that he promised.

"I'm sorry, Jericho. Your father killed again. He has to be stopped," Dick had explained to Jericho, hoping that he wold understand.

"You did this?" Slade states to his son, in a disappointed tone. Jericho turns his head to face his father, shaking it slightly. "You told him we were meeting?" Slade took a few steps forward, as Jericho began to sign to him, saying that he had no idea that Dick would follow him here. "Don't blame yourself, son... The Titans act like heroes, but they're hypocrites. They used you," Slade was trying to convince Jericho that Dick was the bad guy here, using him to get to his father.

"He's lying. Don't listen to him," Dick told Jericho.

"I can see right through you. You wear the pretty costume, say all the right things, but I can see what's underneath the mask. I can see your lies..." Slade began to take steps forward, but Jericho comes in his way. "The manipulation. Using a son's love for his father to complete your mission," Slade was getting under Dick's skin, using his fondness of Jericho to get to him.

"Step aside, Jericho," Dick warned him as things were about to become messy. Slade pushes his son gently out of the way as his gaze was dead on Dick. "You killed my friends, you murder the innocent. You're a monster," Dick said with hate and anger as he takes a few steps into a open space as the pews were placed in different section.

"As are you. Only of a different breed. In the pantheon of sins, murder is far more honourable than betrayal. Watch closely, son. This is what happens to Titans," Slade spoke then placed his mask onto his face as this was it, they were gonna battle one another and there was nothing I could do. Deathstroke yells as they both charge at one another, both coming together to fight. They began to attack both dodging each others advances, Dick found an opening and swung his leg around, hitting Deathstroke in his face, but he swung his own leg under hitting Dick making him fall but he makes a quick recovery and springs back into action.

They both continued to fight, but half-way through Dick got out his staff and extended it as Deathstroke did the same. Before they both advanced once again. Dick swings his staff around before striking Deathstroke own staff, he fought back, but Dick got struck in the face, I see blood drip from his mouth, making me gasp slightly. Dick took a moment before growling loudly and turns sharply and strikes, but his emotions were getting the better of him, Deathstroke saw an opening and hits the back of Dick's head.

"So emotional," Deathstroke states, but this just angered Dick he swings the staff at him but he blocks it, Dick swiftly turns and hits the end of the staff on Deathstrokes chest before using his strength to lift up the staff, hitting Deathstroke square in the jaw his head shooting up to look at the ceiling. "That's why you lack control," he said bringing his head back down to stare at Dick. They fought once again, metal clinging together as they hit and dodge one another. Dick does a jump side-ways dodging the attack. Just then, Deathstroke throws a device out to Dick but he knocks it backwards, where Jericho was hanging around. It was beeping loudly, Dick cocks his gaze too it before rushing forward as he tries to save Jericho from the blast. Suddenly, a blast rang out in the building, sending Jericho and Dick flying in different direction... I stopped myself from going to help them, I can't intervene, the timeline must be kept as it is...

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