Chapter Twenty-Five: The Memory of Donna Troy

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My eyes lingered on Dick, but he didn't have the courage to say anything, I don't think none of them wanted to speak about it. I began to sob like a baby, not holding back my tears nor the emotion I felt right now. Donna was a good person, she didn't deserve to die, she didn't deserve this fate. My head dropped down into my hands as I hid my face and I sobbed into them, as I tried to conceal my whimpers. Suddenly, I felt the bed dip at the left side of me, meaning that someone had sat there. Just then I felt warm hands touch my back, trying to comfort me in this time. I lift my head from my hands to turn to see Kory sat on the edge giving me a 'sorry' look, but I quickly embrace her as she holds me close as I cried into her.

"It-It's all my fault," I managed to sob the words out but Kory just 'shh' me, we've all been through a lot. Though this pain inside of me, the pain of loss would sit with me until I dealt with Donna's death, but no one can truly deal with someone dying...


It seemed awhile that I was sobbing into Kory, but she didn't mind, she was there for me. I was resting in my own room's bed, no longer hooked up to the monitors as I was alive and stable. Kory had also told me that Rachel had left with Donna because she wanted to find a way to bring her back to live. But the dead should stay dead, but Rachel was gaining new powers and expanding. So, anything was possible with her... Everyone had left but they would check up on me in a few. I look down to my chest to see a large bandage just above my breasts, a mass amount of blood had stained the white cotton of it. Suddenly, a knock came to ear making me take my gaze to the door to see Dick standing there his knuckles lifting from the door frame.

"Can I come in?" He asks politely, and I nodded to him. He enters the room with his hands in his pocket, before he came to the edge of my bed looking down at me with those chocolate eyes, which held sorrow for his friend. "How are you feeling?" He asks but quickly realises it was stupid to ask. "Wrong to ask," he went on his gaze drifting from mine, but I noticed a cut across the bridge of his nose, he must have got it fighting Deathstroke.

"No, it's fine. Thanks for asking," my voice was low, barely audible but he somehow understood me. The air became silent as we didn't speak to one another as we both didn't know what to say. Within moments, Dick eyes went to my chest to notice my bandage all bloody and it would need changing.

"I'm gonna change your bandage," he states to me, but all I could muster up was a node of my head. Dick took his hands out of his pockets and came forward, reaching down and began to pull the bandage free of it's place. He began slow, pulling the plaster bits free as it stuck to my skin, within seconds it was free and he pull it back, letting out a 'hm' sound. "It's healed," his head met my gaze but I took my eyes to my chest to see that the wound was healed, no scar. Smooth as a baby's bottom.

"Guess I'm lucky," I remarked but it was more snarky and annoyed about what happened. "I'm the one who should be in the ground, not Donna," I state to Dick while grabbing the rest of the bandage and ripping it off my chest.

"Don't say that," Dick spoke back to me, but my eyes connected to his.

"Why not!" I raised my voice at him. "If I was strong enough, I could have kept that tower at bay to give everyone enough time to get to safety," I went all on him as I wasn't going to hold anything back right now. "Donna would still be alive," my voice broke as I spoke her name as tears threatened my eyes. "Donna should be here, not me," I told Dick sternly, but he gave me a dark gaze like he didn't approve of the answer I gave.

"No!" Dick raised his voice back at me. "If you died then we would all be the same, all heart broken, all at a loss with life. You make this team Vanessa, and I'll be damned to let you go," Dick state with passion making me look at him with wide eyes. "You think it was easy to send Donna off and come back to my friend who was practically on deaths door. It tore me apart to see you laying on that bed," his voice seemed to get quite with his gaze drifting from me, but the thought of me dying on-top of Donna's death would kill him.

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