Chapter Nine: Anger

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Kory, Rachel and I left Eve and Conner to talk as they needed a moment to themselves. I made myself a cup of tea, and headed back to my room, to grab a good book to read.

I reach for the door handle and press it down while opening it. As I entered, my gaze went to my mirror that was next to the bed. On the mirror was a message written in black marker and it said 'Why don't you stay invisible'. My heart dropped to my stomach, I felt violated and like I've just been sucker punched in the face. But anger bubbled inside of me, and I've been keeping it in all this time, because I was afraid of letting it out, like my Mother said, we all have darkness... I took a few steps closer into the room, my eyes still on the mirror. I was literally shaking with anger, I clenched my free hand into a fit, but as I did both my irises turned pink, and the mirror cracks in the middle, spider-webbing cracks rippled on the mirror. But my irises turned back to their normal colour quick as a flash. This wasn't the first time this had happened...

"Fuck!" I hear Rachel's voice from the hallway, and a door slam shut. I turn around and see her storming off into the main area of the tower, and I followed quickly behind, leaving my door open. "Don't fucking walk away from me," Rachel yells at Jason as I come just in time around the corner.

"Whoa. Hey, what's happening here?" Dawn interjects, standing from the stool at the island. As I came to the side of Rachel as she came to a halt.

"Jason drew crucifixes all over my mirror," Rachel states, angry that he did such a thing.

"Bullshit," Jason defends himself.

"Jason, it's ok if you're angry," Dawn told him, a way of comforting him as she made her way off the stool. But he pulled this on Rachel, and then I find my mirror written on.

"I didn't do shit, ok?" Jason replies his eyes teary as he held back the tears. "Don't blame me for her voodoo issues," he went on, his eyes locked on to Dawn.

"What's all the drama about?" Donna asks, coming in from behind Jason, as I took a sip of my tea.

"Somebody drew crosses on Rachel's mirror and she thinks Jason did it," Dawn explained the situation to Donna.

"I know he did it," Rachel states her tone still upset about it.

"Cute idea with the bourbon bottle," Hank voice came into play. "Not my type though. I'm more of a sour mash guy. You ever go in my room and pull that shit again, I'll forget what team you're on," Hank said, clearly angry about the issue with the bottle in his room.

"Why, Jason?" Donna asks him.

"I don't know what happened, guys, but I didn't do it," Jason continued to defend himself, but his tone sounded hurt and there was tears in his eyes.

"What about the picture of Ellis?" Dawn asks him.

"The orange soda bottle?" Donna also asks him.

"My mirror had a message on. 'Why don't you stay invisible'," I spoke in a gentle tone, but my voice cracked slightly as I was upset about it.

"He did it to you guys, too?" Rachel said clearly shocked that he's been going around pulling pranks on us all.

"Fuck this," Jason began to walk towards the elevator.

"Hey, we're not done here, kid," Hank raises his voice, making Jason stop in his tracks.

"You people are insane," Jason spoke his head shaking slightly. "I'd rather be with Deathstroke than you assholes. You think everything's my fault," the words he spoke broke my heart, have we really come to this. Deathstroke was getting under all our skins, mainly Hank, Dawn, Donna and Dick. We all know that they are keeping a secret from us, and I think that's what's driving us apart...

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