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This isn't my first fanfiction—if you haven't read Since You've Been Gone, I don't recommend it. It's not my best writing, but if you wanna curse your eyes with that terribleness, go ahead. It's discontinued, but if you have any ideas I may use them.


Current time

I wasn't planing on this.

I never thought—even for a second—that I would actually join them.

They were just No, that's not the right word.

They knew what they wanted—and how to get it.
I learned their plans, and I was going to tell Mr. Forkle and the others—I swear I was—but...I just...I couldn't.

All the points and plans that the Neverseen had made sense—much more sense than the Black Swan.
And honestly—well, I like how the Neverseen know how to get what they want.

No—scratch that.

I like how we know how to get what we want.

This story switches time—like this current time, but the next one might be a year ago. I'll always put the time before the actual chapter starts.

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