Chapter 4

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Three weeks ago

Sophie ended up in front of the Councilors huge, shimmering castles.

She immediately activated her obscurer to hide from prying eyes, and made her way to Councilor Emery's office.

After she got in—thanks to a gadget that the Neverseen's amazing technopath Aneshka made—she got to work.

Planting smoke bombs and weapons with the Neverseen symbol on them.

Planting fake Neverseen plans.

Creating fake footage of Emery and Vespra meeting up.

Since Emery has the most influence on the Elves out of all the councilors, it was Sophie's job to make it seem like he had been working with the Neverseen. By planting fake plans and weapons with the Neverseen symbol, it would seem like he was working with them on their most recent plans. The fake footage only confirmed it.

She heard a shuffling noise coming from the front door, and hid behind an enormous statue of the original councilors. Shortly after, Emery walked in.

Sophie reactivated her obscurer, and snuck upstairs.

She pulled out the Imparter that Gisela had given her. It was the size and weight of a regular imparter, but it would make whoever she was calling unable to see her and her surroundings. It was also impossible to track—you couldn't even track it if you had the world's best technopaths working on it while being enhanced.

She pulled up the fake footage of Emery and Vespra, and said, "Show me Councilor Bronte,"

Bronte's grumpy face showed up on the screen a moment later. "Who is this?" Geeze. He even sounded grumpy.

"I have important information involving the Neverseen. But I wish to stay anonymous," Sophie started, mimicking Mulan's voice from the Disney movie Mulan.

Bronte sucked in a breath, and visibly tensed. He hesitantly asked, "How did you get this number?"

That's not important," Sophie replied. "Do you want the information or not?"

Bronte waited a moment before replying. "Send it."

Sophie smirked, and sent the fake video of Emery and Vespra meeting up.

15 minutes later

Emery was gone.

Bronte and the other 10 Councilors stormed Emery's castle with around 60 goblins.

They raided the house, and found the weapons and plans.

They took Emery away, and locked him up for the time being. They would hold a non-exclusive trial soon—meaning that any Elf who wished to attend would be allowed to.

There was only one problem.

Goblins have an amazing sense of smell.

And they'd found Sophie.

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