Chapter 10

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I'm "#1 in Dizznee" apparently. Don't know how I feel about that. Yay? I dunno lol. Enjoy another crappy chappie ¯\_()_/¯ (●''●)

"Keefe, when you found me in the training room last week, you said you didn't want to leave the Neverseen," Sophie takes a deep breath.

"Yeah?" I respond hesitantly, carrying out the vowel.

"How would you feel about rejoining?"

Keefe's POV
12:45 AM

My face goes slack, and I slump back in my chair.

Rejoin the Neverseen? Would they even be ok with that? Not that I wouldn't join—I want to. Right? But what about Dexy? And Fitz and Bangs Boy and Biana and—

I stop and close my eyes, taking a breath. I open my eyes after a few moments, looking Foster in the eyes. I open my mouth to ask a question, but nothing comes out.

"I asked Vespra, Gisela and Gethen." She says after a few moments. "They're all fine with you rejoining—excited, even. And—no, I didn't read your mind. I can just...tell by the look on your face."

I stand up to pace around the small room. "But—but what about the others? Dex and Fitz and Biana and Bangs Boy and Linh and—"

"They can't know a about this," Sophie interrupts, standing up and holding my shoulders. I stop pacing.

"What'll happen to them?" I ask quietly. They were my friends, too. True—I didn't rely or trust them as much as I trust Sophie. And yeah, maybe I would betray them to save Sophie. But not to save myself. And besides, they can handle themselves. They'll probably be fine without me.

"They'll be ignored by the Neverseen. Unless they get in our way." Sophie looks me in the eyes, and I look right back. "I don't want to just them either—but it's them or us. And, honestly? I choose us every time."

She pulls me into a hug, and I hug her back. "You don't have to decide now," she whispers after a few minutes. "Take all the time you need. Let me know when you know what you're gonna do. Just know that our plan, the reason for all of this—the reason the Neverseen even exist—starts next week. The beginning of our main goal."

Sophie pulls back after a few more moments of silence. She takes my hand in hers, twining out fingers together. I know she's sincere—and not just because I'm an Empath. She means it when she says she doesn't want to hurt the others, and she means it when she tells me to take the time I need. But even though she wants me to think about this—even though the practical part of my brain says to think about this before I jump in—I already know my answer.

"I'm with you."


That was three hours ago. Now I'm laying in my bed, trying to fall asleep. It's hard when I know what Dex, Fitz and Tam—yes, Tam—are sleeping in the rooms next to me. The people I betrayed. My best guy friends. But I couldn't betray Sophie—like she said, it's them or us. And honestly, like she said, I'd pick us any time.

Gethen's POV
4:00 AM

"He's joining us," Sophie says excitedly over the imparter. I've been up for hours with Ruy, whose complaining about some new training technique Gisela is making us do.

"Who?" I ask, a little confused. I know she probably means Keefe, but she's there with a lot of "he's".

Sophie rolls her eyes. "Keefe. He's joining us. I'm gonna run him through the plan tomorrow night, and his role in it. Don't worry, nobody else knows about this. Just Eliza, Cece, Luciella, Bonnie, Keefe, and now you. Nobody else here knows."

I tell her that Gisela, Vespra, Ruy, and the important people in our organization know, too. We go over the plan once more, and she hangs up. We both need our sleep.

Next night
12:00 AM
Keefe's POV

Sophie and I are in the training room, getting ready to head back into the small nook so she can run me through the plan.

Nobody suspected anything today—guess we're pretty good at acting like everything's normal. Makes since—she grew up as a Telepath alone humans, and I grew up with an emotionally abusive father.

We go down the hallway and into the small room, plopping down in the chairs. Sophie gets straight into business, setting down a small cube-like object. The cube lights up, and a 3D virtual map of San Diego comes up from the screen.

I know it'll probably get me lectured, but I stick my hand out and move it through one of the buildings. It just feels like air, so I move my hand around a bit more. I still don't feel anything.

Sophie looks at me with an amused smirk, and I move my hand out of the simulation-map thing. She chuckles.

"I did the same thing when I first saw it."

I smile at her, glad that I didn't just make a fool out of myself.

"Ok, here's the plan." She zooms in on the San Diego Museum—where Fitz first found her. "Our mission objective is to retrieve the Orb—a transparent rose quartz colored crystal. It has true ability to completely control someone—wipe memories, change emotions that come with memories, make a person you're slave. Basically, if you think it, the Orb can do it. It's very dangerous, that's why the Black Swan hid it where they hid me. So Forkle could keep an eye on both of us."

Sophie moves the map through the inside of the museum, past the different exhibits Indio she gets to the area where the Gems and Crystals are kept.

"This," she starts, closing in on a rose quartz colored sphere, "is the Orb. We're going to get through all the alarms and triggers around the Orb, and take it. Ruy and Gethen will keep watch, and be backup."

"What if the Black Swan finds out?"

"We have a backup plan for that. Ruy traps them, Gethen washes just enough from their brains for them to be confused, and we get the hell out."

"What would he wash?"

"The fact that you're with us, and that Eliza, Cece, Bonnie, Luciella, Elena and I are with the Neverseen. All they'll know is that the Neverseen took the Orb, and all of us are gone."

I nod, and Sophie picks up the cube, turning off the map. She puts it away, and sits back in her chair.

We talk, laugh, and flirt for another hour until we decide it's time to get some actual sleep. We make plans for tomorrow to start training me in everything I'll need to know.

There's seven days before the raid. I just hope we'll be ready by then.

I'm tired. Fueled by WAYYY too much Dr. Pepper and Taco Bell. I'm gonna go now, thanks for still reading my trashy story! More updates soon!


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