Chapter 17

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My mom found my story. I dunno how I feel about that. Uh. Hi mom?

I've got an event I'm working up to. I don't plan much for this book, like I have the ending planned and a few events and relationships I want to further develop, but that's like it. This is one of the very few events in the book that I'm super looking forward to, and this chapter is kind of like the gateway to it.

Day After the Raid
Sophie's POV

Sophie walked into the training room, swishing the door closed. Two rows of red, worn punching bass hung from the ceiling on chains. They were in the middle of the room, with thin, worn, brown mats attached to the floor underneath them.

At the other side of the room, two large, circular pits had been carved about 10-15 feet underground. The floor and walls of each pit were dirt, as the Neverseen hadn't bothered to cover them with cement or mats. On the wall next to them hung a wooden shelf, where boxing gloves and wraps for your hands lay. There was no other kind of protection, the Neverseen believed that you had to be able to build up a pain tolerance to make it as a member.

They weren't cruel to their members, they didn't beat them or harm them as punishment. The worst punishment you could get was one that Vespra gave out. You were locked in a room for two weeks with one small meal each week. Most people referred to it as The Pit. There were no blankets, heaters, or furniture of any kind. The cell got extremely hot during the day, and freezing temperatures at night. Only two people had gotten punished in that room and left to tell the tale. Gethen and Ruy. Nobody else was ever the same after being punished in that room. Nobody knew what went on in there, only what it looked like or what general temperatures it reached.

On the wall opposite the door sat two benches, side-by-side. In between the two was a single water fountain, and a small stack of paper cups.

Sophie made her way to the punching bags, not bothering with the gloves or hand wraps. It had been two hours since Gisela's proposition, and two hours since the four had accepted. A half hour later, they were seated in the only room they could be completely alone, without cameras or people around. The Room, as most of the agents called it. It was a room with nothing but a chalkboard and chalk. There wasn't even an eraser.

They had gone there to discuss their game plan, as well as when they would arrive, what they would use as cover and fake identities, and how the whole situation would work. Ruy made stupid, sarcastic comments the whole time, and it really got on Sophie's nerves. Eventually he launched into a critique of the whole plan—which was only half finished. He poked holes and complained, obviously enjoying pushing Sophie's buttons the way he was.

After a while, she'd just punched him square in the nose, growled at the three not to follow her, and stormed out. That had been five minutes ago.

Now here she was, punching a punching bag mercilessly. It swayed to far that, if she stopped punching, the momentum of the bag would knock her over when it came back.

Who the hell does he think he is, complaining about my plan like that? IT'S MY F*CKING PLAN. If it were up to me, he would be sent to The Pit for a week. That'd show him.

Sophie had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed the stinging coming from her knuckles, nor the blood.

She didn't even realize quite how long she'd been there for, nor did she care. She was exhausted, but she just kept punching. She had bottled up this rage for too long, and needed an outlet. She didn't care if the punching bag broke off the damn chain, not if it got her frustrations out.

Sophie could sense that she'd been there for quite a while, but she didn't care.

She heard something to her right, but she payed no attention. It was probably just another Neverseen member coming to train.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she whipped around, punching the guy in the face.

"Ow, damn," the blond groaned, clutching his jaw. "Is this how Ruy felt in there? You broke his nose you know,"

Sophie made a frustrated sound, and turned back to the bag. "So what? He deserved it," she spat out, getting ready to begin punching again.

"Soph," he said, grabbing her arm. "This is serious. We need to talk."

Sophie's eyebrows knotted up in confusion and worry, her rage completely forgotten. She only remembered him talking in that tone a few times before, in serious situations.

She turned to him, the worry evident on her face. What the hell?

Yes, that's really the end of the chapter. I didn't write his name for a reason, it'll probably be a little while until I post my next chapter. I'll let you speculate who it is, Keefe, Gethen, or maybe someone else entirely. See you guys next update!


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