Chapter 14

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Alright, here we go again!

4 days before the raid
Dex's POV
12:07 AM

Crap—Biana! It's hard struggling against the sedative like this. Everything is dim and blurry—it's giving me flashbacks of when Sophie and Ibwere kidnapped.

Biana goes limp beside me. I can't tell who has her—my vision's too messed up for that. But I can tell that it's one of the girls. She picks Biana up and takes her into the training room—with help from one of the other sisters.

It's getting harder and harder to stand. I don't know if I even can for much longer.

As if on cue, everything goes black.

4 days before the raid
Sophie's POV
12:10 AM

"We've got a," I pause, trying to find the right word for out problem. "situation."

Gethen lifts his left eyebrow. "It's dire enough to call me at 12 in the morning? This better be good."

I move my imparter so he can see Biana and a Dex tied to chairs in the secret room. "They found us training Keefe. Should we wash their memory?"

Gethen sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, that'd be smartest. Want me to haul my ass over there to make sure?"

"Nah, get your beauty rest," Gethen smirks at that. "and make sure Vespra and Gisela know."

Gethen nods, and ends the call.

"Well," I start, turning to Cece, Elena, Bonnie, Luciella, Eli, and Keefe. "We're wiping their memories. Just of what they know about what we've been doing."

I turn to Dex, my eyebrows etching together. "I'll do it, and you guys can go through when I'm finished. Just to make sure I didn't miss anything." I glance back at them, and then the door. "Keep watch for now, just in case."

"Got it," Eli turns and leans on the wall, Keefe doing the same next to her.

I put my fingers to Dex's temples and dive in.

It takes me a second to get in, but once I do, I get straight by work.

12:30 AM
Sophie's POV

"They knew way more than we thought. Dex knows Th t we left yesterday—he's been suspicious of us for a while. He's been watching since it was just Keefe and I. He just told Biana."

Keefe shakes his head, probably feeling stupid for not noticing it earlier.

"I should have noticed something," I start, plopping down on the fluffy chair. "I should have felt something."

"Don't feel bad," Keefe says, squatting down next to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. "I didn't notice anything either. They've always been pretty good at sneaking around."

I nod, still slightly unconvinced. "Vespra moved the timeline up—the raid's tomorrow night."

"Bullshit," Cece starts, "it's too soon. Keefe sure as hell isn't ready yet, and-"

"Actually, I think he's more than ready," Eliza cuts her off.

Cece reaches her hand up, and smacks it against her face. It didn't hit hard, but it was enough to leave a light red mark. She glares at Elena.

"What was that for?" She spits.

"That," Elena starts, "was me telling you that Keefe's more than ready. Dex, Forkle, Fitz, Sophie, and Eli are supposed to help him more with his Inflicting tomorrow anyways, so it's fine. He can Inflict on all of us at once, good and bad emotions. He'll be fine."

Keefe puts his hand up. "Hi, yeah, still here. Um, I think I'm pretty ready. Besides, Foster and Eli are doing some Inflicting voodoo stuff with me tomorrow anyway. And Fitz and I have a shift tomorrow night. We're all good, we'll be fine."

"See," I cut in. "We're going to be fine."

Cece still looks unsure, but she nods. The shadows in the room get a little darker.

"Guys," Bonnie starts, "they're waking up."

"Crap—Keefe, bring Dex back to his room with Eli and Cece. I'll take Bonnie and Luci."

We didn't practice much that night—we needed our rest for tomorrow.

This has to work. If it doesn't—and we don't get the Orb—we're royally f*cked.

Hi. Sorry it's short—again. Barely 680 words. Yikes. Ok, enjoy quarantine I guess. Bye.

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