Chapter 13

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4 days before the raid
Biana's POV
12:00 AM

I glance up at the clock of the kitchen, anxious. Dex told me to meet him here—he said he has something important to show me.

What if he's going to propose!?! What if we're going out!?!  I sigh, confused. Dex is romantic, but he's not a hopeless romantic. Would he really propose? We've been together for three years—that's a pretty long time. And he's been dropping subtle hints all month.

Oh my god...what if he is proposing!?! Am I even ready for that? Would I even say yes? Oh my god—what am I thinking!?! Of course I'd say yes! I love him so much, and the wedding! The wedding would be beautiful! Carnations, roses, tulips—

I'm cut off by Dex opening the door, and closing it behind him. I push off the wall, and he takes my hand.

"Shh, don't make a sound," he starts, making his way toward the door. "I need you to vanish us. Do you think you can handle that?" He looks toward me, stopping at the door. His other hand is on the doorknob. I nod, vanishing us. Dex opens the door.

We make our way down the hallway, and stop at a turn. He pulls me forward a little, and I stumble. But that wasn't what made my stomach lurch. The six people going into the training room was.

4 days before the raid
Keefe's POV
12:06 AM

We enter the training room, and I stop. Sophie and Eli give me a curious look. "What's wrong?" Sophie asks, looking down the hallway.

"Nothing," I start, turning to the door. I glance back at the turn in the hallway. "It just feels like we're being watched,"

With that, the three of us follow the others into the training room.

4 days before the raid
Biana's POV
12:07 AM

Once they all disappear into the training room, Dex squeezes my hand a few times, signaling to reveal us. I do, and I look over to him, perplexed. "What-what was that?"

"It's weird, right?" Dex starts, leaning against the wall. "They've been doing that every night for weeks. It used to be just Sophie and Keefe, but then Cece, Eli, Bonnie, Luciella, and Elena started tagging along. Yesterday, they left the hideout."

Dex shakes his head in disbelief.

"What if they have something to do with the files being broken in to?" I ask, leaning against the wall next to him.

"That's what I was thinking. But, why would Keefe be with them? He and Sophie wouldn't betray us, right?" He looks over to me. "Right?"

"I don't know, Dex." I know that's not what he needs to hear, but it's the truth. And sometimes, the truth hurts. "It kills me to say this—believe me, it does—but Sophie was with the Neverseen for a while. She's different than she was when she left—and even then she was acting distant. And...we know Keefe hasn't been the same since he came back from the Neverseen, either. And he changed even more when we found out that he's an Inflictor. Maybe...maybe they're still," I stopped myself, looking away. I couldn't even think about it.

"Well, look who decided to join the party!" Sophie sings. Mine and Dex's heads whipped toward the door. Someone puts cloth over my face, and pins me front-first to the wall. Sedative.

Everything starts to get blurry, but I can still see Dex in the same position I'm in. Then, everything went black.

Ahhhh only 600 words. Sorry, I'm planning on posting another chapter later today. Happy quarantine, I guess. ¯\_('ٹ')_/¯


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