Esseential for For You, please vote for this in the comments!

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Ok, first of all, yes. I am aware of how constantly I change my mind.

I was just looking back at my notes for the original For You, and I thought hey, this is pretty dope. With a few adjustments, I could totally incorporate all of this into my For You rewritten plot.

So y'all, I need to know.

Only comment here if you want For You to follow the Unlocked plot

Only comment here if you want For You to have its own original plot

Please y'all I genuinely need your opinions on this. If there's more votes for the story to follow the Unlocked plot, I'll post the original plot notes at the beginning of For You and as the very last chapter/authors note of this book before officially completing it. If there's more votes for the original plot that I've written out, I'll write that and make this book archive-able. Votes need to be in by the time Unlocked is out.

Please vote on this chapter, this is seriously essential.


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