Chapter 9

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Ok guys, we're getting toward the middle of the book now. Can I just say that writing this and seeing how many people bothered to even read the first chapter makes me so happy! I also saw this Fanfiction in someone's reading list, and that made me to freaking happy! Keep commenting and letting me know how the story's doing, and how I can improve it! Thank you guys so much!!

One Week Later

Gethen's POV
"Damnit," Ruy snarls beside me.

I roll my eyes. Can this idiot really not figure out how to do this? His orders were simple. Get our Technopath to hack into the Black Swan's files, find out where the Orb is hidden, and erase her tracks.

But no, Rammy just had to be with his family today. Typical.

So now Ruy's trying to get into the Black Swan's flies and find the Orb. And he already got caught.

"We have five minutes before the Black Swan'z Technopath finds out we hacked in—SHIT," He tells, punching the wall.

I scoff, and take the computer.

Oh, this is simple. You just have to get into the main database, get into the Gems file, annnnddd...done.

"It's in the San Diego Museum," I start, writing that down and erasing my tracks. "Makes sense, that's where they hid Sophie. They'd want to keep their valuables in the same place, where they know someone's watching them."

Ruy looks over at me, his hair a mess on his head. "Well then, contact the damn kids." He snarls again.

I get out my imparter and call Sophie.

At the Black Sean's Base
Keefe's POV

Foster's imparter rings, and her eyes widen slightly when she sees who's calling. She excuses herself and walks into her room, closing and locking her door.

I'm surprised she even got reception here—we're deep underground, barley above Exile.

We're in the common room, everyone is sprawled around. Eliza and Bonnie exchange a glance—and I think they connect their minds with Luciella and Cece, because they all get up and leave the room.

That leaves me with the others. Biana has her head on Dex's lap, Fitz sits in the far corner, staring suspiciously at the door the sisters just went through, and Tam leans on a fake—or maybe real?—tree in the room, watching Linh, who is laying on a lot branch wining about how she misses Wylie.

I just sit in the beanbags in the middle of the room. Sophie, Cece, Luciella, Tam, Dex, Biana and I were think up ways we could prank Forkle. Linh, Bonnie, and Eliza were talking about something, I dunno what. Fitz had just kinda been staring off into space from the corner. I think he's still crushing on Sophie. Now the six of us are kinda bored.

Sophie and the others come back into the room, diving back into whatever conversations and groups they were in before they left.

That's suspicious, right? Fitz stansmits.

Yeah, a little. Don't worry about it—I'll talk to Sophie about it.

I block Fitz off and continue our pranking plans, Sophie and I sneaking glances every once in a while.

Training Room
12:30 AM

Sophie and I crack up about another joke she made—damn, she got really funny when she left for the Neverseen.

After we calm down, I look at Sophie, a serious expression on my face. She gets the memo, and calms down. "What's up?" She asks, eyebrows stitching together.

"Don't get all crinkly on me, Foster," I start, rubbing the spot between her eyebrows. Her face heats up, and I smirk. "I was just wondering what that call was about. And why Cece, Bonnie, Luciella, and Eliza left the room right after you did."

Sophie stays silent for a while, a serious expression on her face. She studies my face, and takes my hand, leading me out of the training room.

We go down a dead-end hallway, and she pushes on a wet, moldy brick. The wall slides to the side. She leads me into the small nook, and lights a torch on the wall. The room is small, and completely made of stone. There are a couple of comfy-looking chairs, and nothing else.

Sophie gestures for me to sit, and I do.

"Forkle showed me this place the first time we were here—three years ago. There's no cameras. Nobody can know what I'm about to tell you, understand?"

I can tell she's serious—I've only heard her use this tone twice before. I nod, leaning forward in my chair.

"We didn't come here to actually join the Black Swan. We're in a mission—from the Neverseen."

I gesture for her to continue, my curiosity piqued.

"When I went to Emery's office—I was supposed to get caught. I didn't remember, my my memory of the mission was wiped—they knew that they'd send either Fitz or Forkle to search my memories when I got caught, so I couldn't know about the mission until later. When we asked to join the Black Swan that day—that was part of the plan. Almost everything we've done up till now has been part of the plan." She sets her hands in her lap, staring down at them.

After a minute or two, she looks back up at me. "That night, at dinner? When we all left the room to change? Eliza and the others were actually taking me in there to trigger my memories."

I lean back on my chair, taking in the information.

INTERMISSION—I know how boring it can get to read a long explanation, so I'm trying to keep this one short. Take a break, get a drink, eat some food. Do whatever. This is like a bookmark so you can take a break and know where you were in the story.

"These meetings we've been having at night—they're not supposed to be happening. I'm not supposed to get close to anyone here, but I can't help it."

Sophie takes both my hands, and looks me dead in the eyes. I gulp.

"Keefe, when you found me in the training room last week, you said you didn't want to leave the Neverseen," Sophie takes a deep breath.

"Yeah?" I respond hesitantly, carrying out the vowel.

"How would you feel about rejoining?"

Oohhh~~ what's he gonna do? You'll find out tomorrow you beautiful reader.


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