Chapter 3

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Hey guys...soo it's been a while. I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that I've been so inactive lately! I promise I'll try to update more frequently in the future!

Three weeks ago

Sophie stood in Vespra's office, her mouth opened slightly and her eyebrows raised high on her forehead.

Had Vespra really just said that?

Was Sophie really going on an actual mission?

She shook her head and turned to face Vespra's expectant eyes. She stuck her hand out to shake Vespra's.

"I promise I won't let you down ma'am."

One day later

Sophie stood at the entrance of the Neverseen hideout she had been staying at the last few months, checking to make sure she had everything she would need for this mission.

Smoke bombs? Check.

Obscurer? Check.

Melder? Check.

Throwing stars? Check.

Daggers? Check.

Sophie's ears perked up. Someone was approaching silently from behind. Well—they thought they were being silent. Sophie could hear almost anything thanks to the Neverseen's training.

She subtly picked up a dagger from her bag, adjusting her grip so she could throw or attack more directly.

She spun around when she felt this person directly behind her, pinning them to the outer wall of the Neverseen base.

She used one hand to hold their wrists above their head, and her knees dug into the person's thighs, immobilizing them for the time being. She held her dagger up to the masked man's throat, pushing, but not breaking the skin.

"Who. Are. You?" She whispered in a deadly tone.

When she received no response, she pushed her dagger a bit harder. "I'll only ask one more time. WHO. ARE. YOU?"

The masked man chuckled, and Sophie immediately knew who it was.

She pushed him into the wall and took a step away, yelling, "You dick!"

Gethen took off the mask and collapsed with laughter. Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to breathe. He made no attempt to stifle his laughter, which only pissed Sophie off more.

"I'm sorry," he started once he calmed down. "but you just look so hilarious when you get all deadly like that."

Sophie rolled her eyes and offered him a hand. She pulled him off the ground and into a hug.

"You're still a dick, y'know." She muttered as he returned her embrace.

"You really thought I'd let you leave for a week without pissing you off one last time?" He asked.

Though it seemed unlikely, given all that had happened between them before she joined the Neverseen, Gethen was Sophie's closest friend in the Neverseen. They had grown quite close over the months that she'd been there, and he'd even found out how to get passed her blocking.

She rolled her eyes again, clearly annoyed. "I'm gonna back soon, and if I need you I'll transmit immediately."

Gethen sighed, and eyed her suspiciously. "You promise?"

"I promise."

Gethen picked Sophie's bag up off the ground and handed it to her, along with a leaping crystal.

"Be safe."

"I will."

And then she was gone.

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