Chapter 15

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Fun fact I'm listening to Cockroaches by Dayglo Abortions while I'm writing this. (Yes, I listen to metal/punk rock.)

9:00 PM
Sophie's POV
Day of the raid

Sophie slipped on her black cloak, clasping it around her neck. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, and she wore a black fitted tunic. Her black leggings were tucked into her black combat boots, which she hid her dagger inside of.

She leaned over her desk, applying dark red lipstic, gold eyeliner, and a bit of mascara. Perfect, she thought.

Sophie packed her few belongings in a small, black satchel, and pulled her hood over her head.

Keefe and Fitz were already at the museum by the time she met the sisters in the training room. They all sported similar clothing- black cloak, black boots, black leggings, black tunic. They also had small, black satchels tucked under their cloaks, holding weapons and devices.

They looked up when Sophie slipped through the double doors, Cece and Bonnie holding out daggers. Sophie took off her hood, and gave them an annoyed look. "Really? It's me."

"Sorry," Cece started, slipping the dagger into her satchel. Bonnie followed suit. "You know we get jumpy—"

"Excited," Bonnie cut in. Cece shot her an exasperated, annoyed look.

"Excited before a raid." She finished, turning back to Sophie. Sophie roller her eyes and smirked.

"You guys ready?" All five nodded, and Sophie teleported them to the museum.


Keefe was waiting outside when Sophie and the crew got there. His black cloak covered his body, and his hood was down. Sophie smirked, and ran up to him.

Keefe picked her up by the waist, spinning her around. He set her down, and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Yeah. Fitz's guarding the Orb."

"If we can knock him out, we can get the Orb without much confrontation." Elena cut in as she, Bonnie, Cece, Luciella, and Eliza approached the two.

Sophie pouted. "Where's the fun in that?"

Keefe smirked, throwing an arm around her shoulder. "I gotta agree. Why not let him get a glimpse of us? Then he can transmit for help, and we can have some fun."

Cece shook her head, chuckling lightly. "Why not. I'm down for some action."

After they all agreed, they went into the Museum, pulling their hoods up.


Sophie crouched behind the display, which Fitz stood in front of. She slipped into his mind, and gave Eliza and Bonnie the signal.

They started to move she shadows different directions, and Fitz's mind went haywire.


Keefe?! He transmitted. Keefe, are you there?!?
He cursed under his breath, and transmitted to Sophie.

Sophie?! I need backup.

Fitz? What's wrong?

I think the Neverseen are here. Get help. Now.

Ok, I'll transmit to Forkle. Sophie stood silently, holding up a vase has got from a display.

Make it qui-

Sophie smashed the vase over his head, and his voice cut off. She laughed at how idiotically oblivious he was.

Forkle!?! Fitz just transmitted for help! I came down here with Eli, Bonnie, Elena, Luciella, and Cece, but the Neverseen got us! They knocked Fitz out, and took Keefe! We're all stuck her, we need help!

Sophie didn't wait for Forkle's response. She had to make it seem real. Keefe came over and poked Fitz a couple times in the face to make sure he was out. She could only tell it was Keefe for two reasons:

1. His build.
2. Only Keefe would do something that weird.

Keefe shot her a thumbs up, and they all regrouped in the room.

After a few minutes, Forkle, Dex, Biana, Tam, and Linh showed up. The battle began.

Sophie mimicked Forkle's voice. "Oh look, the Big Cockroaches showed up."

Biana yelled, and rushed at Sophie. Everything after That was a blur. Stars and daggers were thrown, dagger were shacked, punches were thrust, and blood was shed. Sophie couldn't think through the adrenaline, all she knew was she had to defeat the enemy, and that she was enjoying this way too much.

After 30 minutes or so, the Cockroaches were either knocked out or immobilized. All except for Tam. He shifted the shadows and threw stars. He slashed daggers and dodged punches.

Keefe swiped the Orb, and an alarm went off. S*it, Sophie thought. In that moment of distraction, Tam pinned her against the wall, and threw back her hood.


Then tam was on the ground, being Inflicted on by both Keefe and Eliza at the same time.

Biana looked up from next to Linh, who was barely conscious. "W-why?" She asked weakly.

Doors slammed open, and Sophie could here the guards filing in. "Because," she started, crouching down to face her. Tam and Linh glared at her. Sophie laughed darkly, throwing her hood back on. "It's fun."

Then she joined hands with the others, and they were gone.

I've gotta say, I've been planning this chapter for a while, and it didn't come out quite how I wanted. It's still pretty similar though. I'm not here good at fight scenes :p

On another note, I'm working on another story, Opposites. I haven't published it yet, but I'd like to get you guys' opinions. It's a Marellinh story, and it's centered around Marella and Linh. I'll post the info of it either later today or tomorrow, but I'd like to know if you guy would be interested in reading it ♡︎♡︎

Ok, stay safe and stay healthy! I can't answer DM's because WattPad won't send me the stupid confirmation email(no matter how many times I resend it) so comment with any questions or suggestions! Love you guys! ♡︎♥︎♡︎


Also sorry it's so short lol.

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