Chapter 16

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Ok, I'll keep this short because I don't wanna keep you from the story for too long. 1K READS!?! Oh my god, you guys! I didn't think I'd make it past 10! Yesterday it was at like 800, so that means I shot up around 200 reads in one day!! Holy crap! I love you guys so much, you have no idea. If you have any questions, you can ask me in the comments (I can't message because WattPad won't send me the confirmation email). I'll get back to you ASAP! Thank you guys so much!!!

Remember that this is an AU, so events have been changed. This chapter starts with the last line from page 627 of Lodestar—the end of chapter 77.

Four Years Ago
Peace Summit
Sophie POV

"The problem is humans."

Sophie gritted her teeth, standing abruptly and slamming her fists against the table. "JUST WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?!"

The leaders of each species stared at her, shocked. After all, to them she was just an innocent 14-year-old Elf. She was sweet and kind, with a little spunk.

Fintan grinned slightly, turning to look at her. "You heard me. We need to get rid of them. Study them. See what makes them so self-destructive. Why-"

Sophie didn't give him time to finish as she tilted his chair back, holding him by his shoulders. (A/N: Like that scene from Tangled when Rapunzel tilted Flinn's chair back and held him by the top of the chair)

"I suggest you shut your mouth," she started quietly, speaking so only he could hear her. "before I make you."

Fintan started at her for a minute, and chuckled darkly. "You know what needs to be done, Sophie. I can see the malice and determination in your eyes. You don't belong here with these people, you belong with the Neverseen." He added so only she could hear.

Sophie pushed his chair all the way back, and he ended up laughing on the floor. She made her way back to her chair, rubbing her fist under her ribs to keep the rage stored for later. Goblin guards—who hadn't been fast enough to stop her in her rage—helped Fintan up off the floor, sitting him back up.

Sophie tried to avoid his stare the rest of the time, but Fintan just gave her a dark, knowing look.

Day After the Raid
Sophie's POV

Gethen flopped back on the bed, clutching his chest as he snort-laughed. Sophie thought it sounded painful.

"W-what'd you do next?," he managed to laugh out.

Sophie adjusted her position in the black beanbag chair. "I almost slipped, but I caught myself before I did."

"That's not what I remember," Keefe cut in from Sophie's desk chair. The three of them were hanging out in Sophie's room in the Neverseen hideout, catching up. "You were drunk off your ass, you got that part right, but then you slipped while insisting you were fine. I caught you and dragged you back to your room."

Gethen laughed even harder, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Holy shit. Usually you're able to handle your alcohol, Pigeon."

Sophie rolled her eyes. Gethen had been calling her that since she joined the Neverseen, to make fun of her being the Moonlark. "I can. What they had was weak at f*ck, so I had to drink an entire bottle to get even a little buzzed." Sophie paused, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. "Turns out it just takes a little longer to kick in. And the bottle was huge." She muttered.

Gethen shook his head, sitting up and letting out a small chuckle. "Classic Sophie."

Keefe raised an eyebrow. "You're telling me Sophie turned into a drinker?"

Sophie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Well it sounds bad when you say it like that. True, Eli, Cece, and I like to go out for drinks a couple times a week-"

Gethen fake coughed. "Ahem five out of the seven nights of the week ahem."

Sophie glared at him. "-and have a good time," she turned back to Keefe, "but it's not like, super often."

Keefe shot her his signature smirk. "Sure. Whatever you way, Foster."

Gethen wiped his eyes again, and turned to the two. "So, run me through wha happened at the museum again."

Sophie nodded, getting up and walking over to her desk. When Keefe wouldn't get up, she plopped down on his lap. He let out a small oof. "Well, when we got to the museum, it was just Keefe and Fitz on duty. The museum guard was sleeping in the control room. We got in, knocked Fitz out, and I transmitted to Forkle. I told him to get the others and get there ASAP. He did, and we fought for a little."

"Ok," Gethen interrupted slowly, "but why did you even call for them? There wasn't a reason."

"We were bored." Keefe cut in. "We'd been punching and attacking bags for weeks, so why not have a little conflict?"

Sophie nodded, "Exactly. So, we fought, and Tam threw my hood back. We left them all immobilized on the floor. Forkle or someone in the Black Swan probably got them out."

Gethen nodded. "Ok then, sounds good. Gisela wants to see us and Ruy I'm her office."

Sophie and Keefe nodded, and got up. Gethen followed them out, closing the door.


"Keefe." Gisela started nonchalantly. "Good to see you, son."

Keefe tolled his eyes. "Get to the point. Why're we here?"

Gisela let out an exasperated sigh. "The two of you work well together. You've also been to the Forbidden Cities together, and know how it works. Getten and Ruy have also been there, and we have a situation. The Black Swan has been getting a bit too close to one of our hideouts in New York City."

Sophie's eyes widened in realization. "You want us to  go there and defend it."

Gisela gave her a prideful smile. "Exactly. Since you tend to work well with Gethen and Ruy, and Keefe works well with you, I thought you'd be perfect for this."

The four agents exchanged a glance.

"So, are you up for it?"

It's kinda short—or maybe it's long. I can't tell. It may be 2:20 ish in the afternoon, but I just went on a walk in the heat in black shorts and I'm so tireddd.


Question: Should Keefe have another ability?

I recently heard a really good theory about Keefe having another ability (like in Unlocked his second ability ended up NOT being inflicting [even though I think he might be an Inflictor]) and it made a LOT of sense. I would have it be in addition to his Empathy and Inflicting. Gisela would tell him about it before the mission.



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