Chapter 12

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Yeah so...I didn't post that second chapter. Oops. Sorry, I have a LOT of schoolwork since school's closed. I've been hella swamped, but I'm gonna try to make this one worth the wait. Love you guys ♡︎♥︎♡︎

5 days before the raid
10:00 AM
Dex's POV

I fidget in my chair, trying to pay attention to Mr. Forkle's instructions. Yesterday Tinker discovered that the Neverseen has hacked into our files, and they're probably going to try to steal something called the Orb.

I can't focus very well. I saw Sophie and Keefe in the kitchen last night, laughing like she never left. It's probably nothing, they're probably just reconnecting. They were pretty close before she left, and Keefe was pretty broken up about her leaving. Besides, it's not like she and Keefe would leave us. Sophie's not working with the Neverseen anymore, so she couldn't convince him to do anything. Right?

"I understand your worries, Mr. Dizznee," I jump, Mr, Forkle's voice pulling me out of my mental spiral. I think we all started to have those after meeting Sophie for the first time.

"It's probably nothing. I just..." I look away, my voice trailing off. I don't have to ask him if he's in my mind, I know he is.

"I assure you, Ms. Foster is with us 100%. I've been in her mind, she hasn't been in contact with the Neverseen since she left. That doesn't mean we can trust her and the Sisters with everything, but it does mean we can trust them to a certain extent." He folds his hands on the desk. "It would be smart to train Mr. Sencen's inflicting ability, just in case."

I look up at him. His words are a kind of reassuring, I won't lie. But it doesn't wash away all of my worries.

"Ok, tell me more about this Orb thingy,"

Forkle smiles a bit, and continues.

5 days before the raid
10:30 AM
Keefe's POV

I groan internally at Forkle's plan. They know that the Neverseen know where the Orb is. For the next two weeks, we're all supposed to trade off watching the Museum in pairs at night. Well crap.

Sophie and the Sisters weren't told about this, but I'll make sure to tell her tonight. She'll tell the sisters, and we'll be good. I just have to make sure I get a "shift"—as we've been calling it—the night of the raid. Unfortunately, I got paired with Fitz that night. I don't have any shifts before that though, so we'll just have to knock him out before he can transmit to the others.

I just hope we can pull this off without interference.

5 days before the raid
12:45 AM
Keefe's POV

I flop down to the ground, exhausted. I've been working on hand-to-hand combat with Sophie, Cece, Bonnie, Elena, Eliza, and Luciella. It's Sophie and I against them. Let me tell you, their abilities make this a little unfair. The Neverseen isn't about fairness, though.

I roll out of the way just as Luciella sends a blast of water my way. We're outside tonight, Sophie teleported us to the rocky cliffs where she got her abilities fixed the first time.

Cece vanishes and Bonnie covers Elena and herself with shadows. I can feel their emotions just like Foster's. Must be because they're all technically generic experiments.

I feel Cece behind me and I duck just as she reappears. She's holding a dagger. I kick her feet out beneath her and pin her down, holding her dagger to her throat. Sophie, Elena, Eliza, Bonnie, and Luciella stop fighting and look over to us.

Sophie and I smirk. "Checkmate," I say, climbing off of Cece and handing back her dagger.

She punches me lightly in the arm, "Nice one, Sencen."

For the next hour or so we work on pinpointing where they are based on their emotions. After that, Sophie and Eliza help me with my Inflicting. It works the same way Sophie's does, only the bolt of energy thingy that comes from my head is blue rather than red.

"Careful," Sophie starts. Bonnie, Elena, Cece, and Luciella are lined up shoulder to shoulder in front of me. Eliza stands to my left, Sophie on my right. "Figure our whose emotions are the strongest."

Despite my inflicting working the same way Sophie's does—with the bolt coming from my head and being able to inflict different emotions—my inflicting is triggered differently. I can pull the emotions from people around me and inflict them on others. Sometimes, if I have enough energy, I can pull multiple emotions from multiple people. We think it has something to do with my being an Empath, but we're not sure.

Tonight's one of those nights where I have more than enough energy.

I pull Luciella's slight worry and magnify it into fear, tucking it into a nook in my mind. Then I pull Elena's determination, and turn it to anger. I mix the emotions together, and Inflict on Bonnie. She puts her hands to her temples, massaging them.

"Good, now intensify it," Eliza guides, looking over to me. I pour a little more energy into it, and Bonnie's on the ground. Luciella, Elena, and Cece look at her with worry.

"Ok, ease it up a bit," Sophie rests her hand on my shoulder, and I reign it back in. The blue bolt sucks back into my head, and Bonnie stands slowly. She leans on the rocks bending her, smiling while she rubs her temples.

"Nice one," she grunt out. She sounds a little proud.

"Tomorrow we'll practice inflicting on multiple people," Sophie starts, taking mine and the other's hands. Bonnie, almost fully recovered, stands and takes Cece's hand. Bonnie's on the edge. "For now, we gotta get back. Unless we wanna get caught."

We all nod, and start running. There's not enough room for Sophie to just run to teleport us, so we jump off the cliff. The sky cracks open, and we end up in the void. After a moment, we're levitating to the ground in the training room. Yes, Sophie figures out how to teleport straight into rooms.

We unlock hands, and go our separate ways.

Hey. So...I have a plan for the book, and it's gonna take a few more chapters. I know it's gonna be close to 20-30 chapters when the book's done, so don't worry. There's still a little ways to go. To the people who're still here, thank you so much for continuing to read, it meals so much to me. I still can't believe that people actually kinda like this story, and it makes me so happy. Like I said at the beginning of the chapter, I love you guys so much! Stay safe and stay healthy! Hopefully these chapters give you something to do in quarantine at home.


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