Chapter 2

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One Week Later

The food was disgusting. Sophie's been here for about a week, and she still hasn't gotten used to the food.

It made her want to hurl.

She missed Mallowmelt and Custard Bursts. All they had here were some strange purple globs that tasted like burnt toast. Very burnt toast. Like when the toast it just black, and even butter doesn't make it better.

They also had these weird blue sponge-like spheres. You know when you were a kid, and you said "DAMNIT!" Or "SHIT", and your parents wash your mouth out with soap?

Well that's what these taste like. But mixed with salt and vinegar.

There's some other foods here, but these two are the most bearable.

She was sitting in the cafeteria, just eating. Nothing too exciting. She was eating some purple globs, and somehow she didn't hurl.

She was so focused on not throwing up that she didn't hear Gethen enter the room.

She also didn't notice when he grabbed his food.

Or when he sat down across from her.

Or when he started eating.

Or when he stared staring at her.

But she did notice when Gethen cleared his throat. Loud.

"Oh..." she mumbled, looking up at him. "When did you get here?"

"Speak. Up."  The way he said it sounded dangerous-deadly, even.

"I asked," Sophie started, "When did you get here?"

The look he gave her could've done more damage then the fire that Fintan had started. She one that killed Councilor Kenric.

Sophie shuddered a bit thinking about it. But she didn't back down.

She looked up and glared at him, never breaking eye contact.

The only time they looked away was when Lady Gisela walked in and dragged us to the Training Room. But the second we stopped moving, we glared at each other again. Gisela rolled her eyes in annoyance.

If this was how it always was here, then this whole training process was going to be very long.

Hey, I updated!

Bloopers: Bit autocorrected to Bïtch—I had to fix it three times. Lady Gisela autocorrected to Larry Gisela.

Q: What KOTLC character are you personality wise/Which KOTLC character are you most like?

I'm a Tam-Keefe mix, but I wanna know which you guys are. I'm just curious.

The only time this was edited was when I fixed the autocorrect bloopers. So, it's pretty much unedited.

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