Chapter 7

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Don't know if any of you noticed, but the cursing in this story had gone down a bit. I think there's only like three curse words in this chapter. This is when the SoKeefe flirting starts—don't worry, nothings gonna happen between Sophie and Eliza. When I wrote that the kinda liked each other, I was like ooh plot twist Sophie's Bi and she gonna be dating this Neverseen gurlllll but then I remembered that I'm writing a Sokeefe story. Lol. Ok I'm gonna let you guys read now.

"We want to leave the Neverseen...and join the Black Swan."

"WHAT?" Sophie's ex-I think his name is Fitz?-yelled. "How the heck could you possibly think that we'd EVER TRUST YOU!?!" He put extra emphasis on the you, as if my sisters and I were a total other species. Geeze this guy is wimpy—he wouldn't even say hell. He said heck. Bluch.

"Hey, we don't exactly trust you either," Cece replied, crossing her arms and raising her left eyebrow. "but we're sacrificing our pride. To ask you..."she lay her hands in her lap, staring at them. She took a deep breath before continuing. "to ask you for help."

Sophie's former friends looked suspicious-as did the adults in the room.

Sophie looked away, a blank expression on her face. I wonder what she thinking.

Sophie's POV

I looked away, keeping that blank expression on my face.

I don't trust them. My former friends and the Collective. Sure, I joined the Neverseen to save their lives-but that turned out to be the best decision I've ever made. Gethen is there. And the girls.

If this is what Eliza and the girls thought this was what we needed to do, then I trust them. I just hope Gethen's in on it. I don't think I could move back to the Lost Cities without my brother figure.

"-phie? Sophie? Sophie!" I jumped a bit, and looked over to Elena, who pulled me out of my Mini Mental Spiral. Yes, we gave the times when I just space out for a minute or two a name. Don't judge us. Or we may have to pulverize you.

"Hm?" I responded.

"What do you think about this? About joining the Black Swan, I mean."

"If it's what you guys think is best...then I'm in." I said quietly, making eye contact with Elena.

One Month Later.

A/N: The majority of the rest of there book will be in other people's POV—not Sophie or the sisters. Sometimes you'll see a Sophie POV, but it's gonna be rare for the rest of the book. Don't worry, you'll find out why later.

Dex's POV

I looked at the telepaths in front of me. Sophie and the sisters all looked at me like I was dumb—which I wasn't, obviously—because I still didn't know all of their names.

The bell rang for dinner, and everyone stood up. Everyone else had left the room when I realized the girl who seemed to be the closest to Sophie-Eliza I think-leading three girls another way.

"Where are you going?" I asked, raising my left eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"We'll be back in a sec Dex, tell the others that we're changing!" Sophie said over her shoulder, disappearing through the doorway after the girls. Oh well.

I left the room and sat at the table in the dining room, and told the others that the girls were changing.

Fitz never really trusted any of them-except for Sophie, who I think he still has a crush on-and got suspicious.

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