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Ok y'all, here's the Opposites info. Let me know if you're interested in reading it:)

!!Curse Warning!!

A semi-human AU centered around Marella and Linh. Humans and the Intelligent Species (all the species hidden from humans in the KotLC series) were always aware of each other, and co-exist peacefully.


Linh Song and her twin brother, Tam, hate attracting attention. The two elves attended the prestigious Foxfire Academy—until they were sent to Juvie for flooding the aquarium. Wherever Linh goes, trouble seems to follow. People stare and judge, and she just wants to escape. It's not her fault that her ability was difficult to control, and it's not her fault that she's seen as a monster.

Marella Redek lives for drama. She has attended Foxfire Academy since Level 1, and her fellow students know that if they want gossip, she's the first place to go. Marella goes to school, gossips, makes friends, laughs, and seems so happy. But it's all an act. She wasn't always this popular gossip queen. She was once an outcast who hated any kind of attention. That all changed when her mom fell off the balcony and hit her head. She had severe brain damage. Some days she was almost fine, but other days she just wasn't. So, Marella buried herself in other people's business to deal with the grief.

What happens when the 15 year old Hydrokinetic and 14 year old Pyrokinetic meet?

Ok! In the story, you'll be able to vote for your ships at the end of each chapter. Marellinh is the only one that's definite. I've already written the preference, and I'm rewriting the first chapter because WattPad deleted it :p Let me know if you boys would like to read it! (And no, I'm not abandoning this story)

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