Timeline of the Story so far

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So, I went back and I was reading the book (I dunno why), and I noticed the timeline doesn't match up. So, let me clear some things up.

Two and a half months ago, Sophie went to Emery's office/castle things

Two months ago, Sophie went to her trial and "joined" the Black Swan with Eliza, Cece, Bonnie, Luciella, and Elena.

One month ago, Sophie's memories were triggered by Eliza, Cece, Bonnie, Luciella, and Elena.

Three weeks ago, Sophie and Keefe started meeting up at nights.

One week ago (what's happening in the story right now), Keefe joined the Neverseen with Sophie and the sisters, and he's about to start training.

Hope this helps a bit.

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Lol I dunno what I'm doing. I just got this keyboard app and it has these faces in it and I love using them. Ok bye.

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