Chapter 8

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Holy crap guys—279 views! I'm gonna post a few chapters this week as a thank you, I thought this story would only get like 10-20 reads 😅 I'm fueled by a huge ass bag of Takis and a LOT of water. Ok, enjoy!


Sophie is Bisexual in this.
Dex is Pansexual.
Fitz is straight.
Biana is straight.
Marella is Bisexual.
Keefe is Pansexual.
Tam is Bisexual.
Linh is Pansexual.
Elena is Lesbian.
Cece is Bisexual.
Eliza is Bisexual.
Luciella is Lesbian.
Bonnie is Asexual.
If you have any questions, just ask in the comments :) If you don't support LGBTQ+, then you can kindly leave and not start any drama :)


Keefe's POV
1:00 AM

I'm laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling—again. I mean, that was—wow.

After I found Sophie in the training room, things got flirty and funny. Sophie found a couple bottles of Fizzlebarry Wine, and I guess she's developed a liking for alcohol since she left. She downed the whole bottle, and kept saying something about how she could "rival Kana with my alcohol tolerance".

A/N: FairyTail reference anybody? No?

Anyways—the image of the whole situation is still clear in my head. I mean—obviously, I have photographic memory. But still.
Sophie opened the fridge, paying no attention to Keefe's attempts to get her to go to sleep.

"Ooh~ look," She turned around, putting a bottle of Fizzleberry Wine on full display. "Want some?"

Well, crap. "Nah, I'm good," I respond nonchalantly, waving my right hand.

Sophie shrugged, "More for me then."

She popped open the bottle, and hopped back onto the counter.

We talked for a while, telling stories of what'd happened since she left and flirting a bit. Sophie took sips of wine straight from the bottle the whole time.

After 45 minutes, Sophie had finished the wine, and she could barley walk.

"I'll help you back to your roo—"

"No no, I'm fIiIne!" Sophie assured, trying to walk out of the kitchen. She slipped as she said "fine".

I caught her before she landed on the back of her head and sighed. She's still the same old clumsy Foster, no matter where she is or who she's with.

Sophie gave a loopy smile and let me help her stand.

After about 5 minutes, I got her back to her room. She's sobered up a bit, but she's still kinda loopy.

She put her hand on the door knob, but stopped before tiring it. She looked back at me.

"Goodnight, Keefe. We should meet up at midnight more often," she chuckled a bit, looking up at me.

"Well, I'm free every night—I'll just be sleeping," I joked. She laughed a little.

"Ok, how about tomorrow night. 12:00, training room."

I nodded. "Goodnight, Foster."

"Goodnight, Sencen."

I turn over on my side, smiling at the memory.
Does she really want to meet tomorrow night, or was that just the wine talking? Either way, I'm still meeting with her.

Eliza's POV
1:00 AM

What the hell? Why is she meeting with him tomorrow night? This is not part of the plan. Then again, this is Sophie. Why not let her have some fun? Besides—we all know what happened last time someone interfered with her and a guy.

Sophie was flirting with some girl at the bar in the Neverseen hideout. It's been a month since she joined the Neverseen, and she and the others moved to this hideout once Sophie showed her loyalty.

Anyways—she's flirting with some brunette girl at the bar. She has the dullest, palest blue eyes you've ever seen. Her hair is flat and thin, but she's still pretty. Kinda.

Sophie's only flirting with the chick because she's trying to get over Keefe Sencen. She's been crushing on him since her ex—I don't remember his name, it doesn't matter—dumped her theee years ago. Now she's trying to get over him by flirting the one person on this planet who is the exact opposite.

The girl's name is Alana. She has no sense of humor, she's boring as a damn brick, she has absolutely no empathy towards others, and she's serious. Like, REALLY serious.

Like I said—the exact opposite of Keefe. Elena's been pinning after this boring chick since we were 13, so this won't end well.

Sophie gulps down the last of her drink, playing with her hair a bit. Alana looks at her with calculating eyes, obviously still curious about Sophie's motives. God, this girl is more clueless than Sophie used to be.

I down the last of my drink, and walk over to them.

"Hey there, hows it going?" I ask, slinging my arms around Sophie and Alana.

Alana's eyes widen, and she gets up and leaves the bar. I have a bit of a reputation here.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?!" Sophie yells, shoving me off.

"I was saving your ass, that chick's the most annoyingly boring person on the planet."

Sophie rolls her eyes and walks off. "Watch your back Z."


I chuckle a bit thinking about it. A week later, Sophie has all four of my sisters and I up on the roof. She's dangling my off the roof by my foot—one handed. My sisters just stand there laughing.

That was the day that we learned never to mess with Sophie when she's pinning after someone. I just hope that she knows that Keefe can't be included in the plan—though Gethen would probably make an exception for her. They're like siblings.

No matter what she does with this Sencen kid—it better not interfere with what we're planning.

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