The Watchers (drabble)

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YOU GUYS WANTED ANGST SO HERE *dump this idea onto the snapped in half table that has since been duct taped back together*

[2022: aghhhhh cringe but whatever]


"You wanted to see us Diamond?" a mystery figure asked, a braid hanging over their shoulder.

"Yes I did Braid," he hissed. "Where's Crown? I want to speak with them as well."

"I'm here Diamond." Another figure dropped down, long flowing hair draped over their shoulders. "Now, what did you want to say?"

Diamond clenched his fists, scowling. "What have you been doing to my friends?!" he demanded, letting out the anger he'd bottled up for so long.

Braid titled their head, smiling slightly. "What ever do you mean Diamond?"

He grit his teeth together. "You know exactly what I mean!" he yelled, causing the purple ring of energy around his head to momentarily glitch. "Two of my friends sensed my Watcher powers! You two must have done something!"

Crown grinned and then laughed wickedly. "Oh dear Diamond," they purred, bending down to properly meet his gaze. "We haven't done a single thing! It was all you." They pressed a finger to his heart for emphasis.

"N-no..." Diamond stammered. "I can't have... no... I- what? How?! I haven't used my powers since the beginning of the series! I only just used them!"

Braid smiled, hearing desperation start to creep into his voice. "Entering the first stage of grief are we?" they said, giggling.

"THIS ISN'T A JOKE!" Diamond screamed, tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

They only grinned wider and held up two fingers.

"Diamond please," Crown said, lifting his chin up with their finger. "Maintain your dignity. Stop acting like a child, you're a Watcher." They shifted their hand away, but made sure to scratch up his chin while they pulled back, leaving an angry red mark.

He sniffled, anger still lighting his gaze. "Please, don't hurt them," he begged. "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you don't harm them."

"Don't worry Diamond." Braid crept forward, holding up three fingers. "I'm the one pulling the strings for with Hermitcraft. I won't hurt them." They tilted their head thoughtfully with a mischievous look in their eyes.

"Although, I am starting to take a liking to some of your business partners. They seem quite... gullible."

Diamond's eyes widened under his mask. "Please... don't do anything," he whimpered. "Braid, I swear I'll do anything as long you don't hurt him..."

"I think your time is up here." Crown pressed a finger to his forehead and easily pushed him into the void of The End. His blood curdling scream echoed through out, but they didn't care.

Braid held up four fingers.

Crown glanced at the other. "Why are you holding up four fingers?"

Braid smirked. "Diamondjust went through the four stages of grief," she explained. "Once he reaches stage five..." They held up all five fingers.

"He'll break."


oh hek M I thought you were a good person (actually wait thats just me, of course she's not good lol)

[2022: agghhhh edited because it was even cringier before lmao]

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