Scarred (drabble)

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Xisuma jumped through the portal and landed in the end. He had felt some kind of... pull. A pull from the void. So he jumped, closing his eyes and praying to not die too painfully.

Then he felt ground beneath his feet.

He opened his eyes and saw... a room? A small bedroom with light glowing from the windows and lightning up a desk. An open book lay on it, a quill rested against the pages. Xisuma stepped forward curiously. What was written in it?

But someone grabbed his wrist, stopping him. He looked down and saw a young girl. She looked about 13 with midnight black hair and dark brown eyes. She stared back up at him before smiling.

"Hey Xisuma!" she exclaimed. "Watcha doin' here?"

"I-I jumped into the void..." he replied, too in shock to really question anything.

She nodded and let go of his wrist. "Hm, must have been a glitch or something." Her voice had a teasing tone to it, which suggested to Xisuma that she definitely knew more than she was telling.

Then a sharp pain seared down his left eye. He crumpled to the ground and held a hand against his face. Warm blood dripped down his cheek and he could feel a small cut along the outward corner of his eye.

"You shouldn't have come here Xisuma," the girl said, staring sympathetically down at him. "Don't come here again unless you really want to get hurt."

Shadows edged at his vision and he fully collapsed to ground, suddenly feeling weak.

"Oh, and tell your brother I said hello."


. .

. . .

He snapped awake in his base. Glancing at his communicator, he was surprised. Had he really woken up this late?

He blinked and was stunned by the raw pain that struck through his left eye. He reached up and felt around.

Did he always have two scars?


oh wow how fun another OC >.<;

i like to draw X with 2 scars, so this is how he got the other one! just some backstory lol

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