Wander 6 [game]

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You manage to stutter out a few sentences. "I-I don't know where I am!" you say. "Pl-please don't hurt me! I don't have any weapons I swear!"

Impulse stance softens but he still looks at you warily. "Where did you come from? Did someone invite you here?"

"I was just playing on a server when someone pushed me into a portal! I ended up near that big white building." You gesture in the direction of Sahara.

He sighs and puts away his trident. "Jump down." The two of you two jump down (you yelp as pain strikes through your ankles but quickly fades) and Impulse swiftly ties a lead around your hand.

"You're coming with me to my base," he says. "Follow me."

You nod and follow him, not really having a choice with the lead connecting you two. He pulls out a communicator and begins texting someone, kind of leaving you to your own devices.

[What do you do now?]

[tip: if you speak, choose your words carefully! Spill too much and Impulse will get suspicious!]

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