Blood Moon (drabble kinda???)

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(warning: gore)

God how I hated when blood moons happened. Being half turtle, I'm always effected by those stupid blood moons. Yeah I have that accursed Watcher ring, but I refuse to wear that thing.

You want to know what it's like? Oh I'll tell you.

When the blood moon happens, it's like you black out. You can only remember certain parts and even then they're pretty blurry. When you wake up, you feel exhausted and are often dirtied. Sometimes it's just some dirt, sometimes it's blood.

Someone could try to snap you out of it, but it's pretty dangerous. I still remember when the first blood moon of season 6 happened.

All the hostile mobs seemed to disappear as a scarlet red filled everyone's vision, making it seem like everything had been painted in blood. I remember my teeth growing sharp, my nails turning to claws. I remember Joe backed into a corner, blood dripping from a scratch on his cheek. I remember my shadow looming over him.

Then I remember waking up with Joe hugging me. My claws coated in dirt and blood, Joe's hands and back layered in bleeding scratches, his tears staining my clothes.

The next morning, the air was so thick with fear you could practically smell it. And some of them could.

Doc and Ren both had scrapes and cuts all over them, though Ren seemed to have more.

Grian was huddled up in a ball, his wings wrapped around him as Mumbo and Iskall tried to comfort him.

Cleo had dried blood covering her nails, and False and Stress had bruises and scratches.

Impulse looked petrified to his core and had bandages wrapped around the burns on his arms, Tango had bruises all over him, and Zed was violently throwing up.

Cub and Scar were both covered in blood, but they didn't seem to have anymore injuries besides a few scratches and small bruises.

Xisuma had a terrible headache and the taste of blood lingered heavily in his mouth, and BDubs and Keralis had bleeding bite marks and bruises covering them.

I always thought that Wels had the least amount of worries. Jevin couldn't do much besides hide and hiss at him, and Python... well actually Python did have his venomous bites and boundless energy. Okay maybe Wels did have it pretty bad since after the first blood moon he was paralyzed for a day.

The hybrids looked different as well, or at least that's what I've been told. Their teeth are sharp as their animal counterpart, their nails turn to claws, and their pupils narrow into burning red slits.

The normal players called it the Blood Moon, but we hybrids have a different name for it.

The Bloodbath.


okay but actually, imagine how terrifying that would be having your friends and boyfriends trying to tear you limb from limb ;-; also poor Grian, having to watch and be so confused and scared as your friends try to murder you without remorse

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