Elemental Tribes AU: Earth Tribe

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im too invested send  h e l p -

no but actually i adore making AUs and just building and creating worlds, its way too much fun 💕 *lowkey dabs on you and hits with a vibe check via the dab*

The Earth Tribe has a few gods that have control over many things:

-Salete, the goddess of nature and the earth. She is the most powerful god in the Earth Tribe's religion and is represented by whatever animal the current alpha has chosen. The Earth Tribe pays tribute to her by burying some of their hunt and planting something over it. It is said that long ago, before the tribes even existed, Salete was born. She was as beautiful as a flower, powerful as an animal, and near perfect in every aspect. She explored the world for many many sunrises, but soon grew tired and could no long stand. Etoile and Soleil let her lay down and stretch out her body in a deep sleep. When the earth trembles and shakes, it is a sign that she is waking up because of there is too much discourse on her lands

-Espirit, the god of life and death. He created the first animals to walk across the earth and birds are often a signs that Espirit is spreading a message to the Earth Tribe. Ravens can mean misfortune is on its way, while doves can mean great omens are coming. He is often represented by the sheep, an animal useful in both life and death

-Etoile, the goddess of the moon and the night. The dark veil of night is her hair twinkling with stars, and the moon is her one eye looking down on the lands during sleep. Long ago her and Soleil got into a terrible fight. Etoile wanted more time in the sky, but Soleil argued that she had enough. After days of fighting, Soleil had tired and beaten her. He tore out her eye as punishment for causing so much chaos in the sky. When you see a shooting star, that's Etoile's missing eye rolling across the sky, meaning she finally found it and good fortune will spread throughout the night

-Soleil, the god of the sun and day. The wisps of cloud that float through the sky is his hair that falls out and regrows every now and again, and the sun is his one eye watching over the lands. After Soleil had torn out Etoile's eye, the goddess of the tides was furious for him hurting her dear friend. She used her vicious salt water waves to burn one of his eyes and render it blind and utterly useless. When the sun goes over the moon, or vise versa, it means that Soleil and Etoile are fighting and the Earth Tribe can only pray and hope nothing terrible comes from it

Every year they have a celebration called Ice Thaw aka the start of spring when the ice from winter begins thawing. They give thanks to Salete by having everyone in the tribe offer her something (which they bury and plant over), and give thanks to Soleil for melting the ice by leaving some of their hunt out in the sun for Espirit's birds to take it to him

What the Tech Tribe would consider pets is just friends to the Earth Tribe. Many of them have animal friends (animals they've raised since birth and grown attached to) and treat them as equals to the tribe. Animals get to eat at the same time as their tribe friends

The alpha's animal friend (in this case Jellie) is treated with as much respect as the alpha, and seen as a blessing from Salete. The chosen animal gets pick of food just after the alpha and even the beta has to respect them

that's all because ohgod its so much (but i love it so much lmao)

*Joe is in the background t-posing on you with lightning strikes behind him* joe mama-

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