DnD idea

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not an AU, just a "what if Tango taught everyone DnD?"

so yeah just some notes on if the hermits all played DnD (if this is inaccurate that's because i've never played DnD and don't know the rules but im too lazy to look all of them up :P)

-first and foremost, just imagine 18 all like huddled in a basement around a table, just yelling at each other

-Tango is the dungeon master (mainly he's the only one who really knows how to play)

-Doc, False, and Wels are a barbarian, fighter, and paladin respectively

-Joe is a bard no doubt (or a cleric)

-Cleo's a necromancer (idc if that's not a class) and Stress is a sorceress

-Mumbo's an artificer, Grian's a rogue, and Iskall's a ranger (keepin' Grian in line)

-Zed's a druid, Impulse's a paladin, and Tango would be a warlock if he wasn't the dungeon master

-Cub's a rogue, Scar's a druid

-Python's a druid, Jevin's a monk (to explain, he uses his own slime as a tool in my headcanons and monks use their own inner energy)

-Xisuma's a paladin, EX's a cleric (because he's a clone of Xisuma so like a copy of the highest power like how the clerics work for a higher power)

-Biffa's a barbarian, BDub's a fighter, Keralis is a sorcerer

-realistically, people like Grian and Doc would just choose what they deem to be the strongest while people like Cleo and EX would think more strategically

-Mumbo, Zed, EX, Stress, and Wels have no idea how to play and are just confused half the time

-False, Jevin, and Impulse aren't even trying, they're just killing whatever gets in their way whether it's enemies or NPCs

-Ren keeps rolling to flirt with everyone and he somehow always gets high rolls

-Python's collecting anything and everything

-Cub, Grian, and Biffa are going on an NPC murder spree

-Scar's doing every single quest he comes across and soon has a mountain of quests to complete

-Iskall's chasing after Grian trying to stop him and trying to direct Mumbo on what to do

-Cleo and Doc immediately charging after bosses despite being level 1

-Tango's a bastard of dungeon master

-BDubs, Keralis, and Xisuma are just doing their own and wandering around, collecting stuff and slowly defeating bosses

-Joe keeps trying to roll to kill off Ren and the people going on murder sprees

ya'll know what Sugar Sugar Rune is? Its a rlly good manga ya'll should read it. I'm saying this because i have an AU kinda based off it

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