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I looked out of the car

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I looked out of the car. This is horrible. I got in an accident and because we all know it was Calloway's fault we had to leave New York. How much more damage can he do from jail? Apparently, a lot. So much that we've moved to Tree Hill, North freaking Carolina. I told Daisy and she laughed. Not about the accident, no about moving here. Of all the places here. I would have preferred India, Russia, or Middle of Nowhere Alaska.

"So what do you think?" mom asked. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"It's nice," AJ said and I rolled my eyes.

"Kiss ass," Lena muttered and I laughed. Mom looked at me and I stopped.

"You need to stop encouraging her," mom said as she put an arm around Lena, "and you need to stop with the bad language."

We followed mom up to the house. I limped most of the way, but I made it up the steps without a struggle. Mom opened the door and we walked in. We looked around and then at our mom.

"So, what do you think?" she asked.

"It's nice, I like the open concept. I like it," AJ said.

"It's comfy," I said.

"We have our own dock so that you guys can go swimming, kayaking, take a boat out, or in your case row," mom said.

"Are there any arcades or comic stores in the area?" Lena asked. Mom smiled.

"Yes, I made sure that what you need in order to live is available," mom said.

She showed us around and I do have to admit that it is pretty nice. We went down a hall and mom showed us her room. I know she's been here a few times in the past month getting everything ready and decorated. I didn't know she had it practically done though.

"Okay, this room right here is my office and storage," she said and then made our way upstairs. I took my time and my mom opened the bedroom to the left. "Alycia this is yours." She stepped in and we looked inside.

"I love it," she said. Lena and I looked at each other. It definitely needs some color and personality besides comfy blankets, a rug, and a single poster. Outside an a few steps to the right was another door.

"This is a bathroom," she said and we looked in and then moved onto the next room. Which was to the right of the bathroom.

"Lena, your room," mom said, "Mia had a lot of input." Lena smiled and I high fived her. She opened the door and walked in.

"This is so cool," she said and I nodded. "You have Captain Marvel, and X-23, and the Black Widow." We nodded and AJ rolled her eyes. I elbowed her and she said a soft oww as she rubbed her shoulder. "This globe is cool, this is amazing. I like it." She said. Lena hugged mom and then fist bumped me.

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