34. 11 am - Wednesday, April 29th - Tree Hill, NC

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Mia has been having panic attacks. I didn't notice at first. Lindsay had told me, but I had never noticed it. I was just watching her make a smoothie in Karen's café one day. Her hands just started to shake a bit. Haley noticed too. We started to notice it a lot more after. I spoke with Lindsay, Peyton, even Joseph. Anxiety and PTSD is what they all agreed on. I'm just not sure. She is sleeping more, but even I can tell she looks terrified when she wakes up.

Its why we are here, at a Canine Companions Center. Dr. Verani put Mia's name in a lottery system a few weeks after she got shot. After the first appointment Mia had with her when she was released from the hospital.

 It was a long two-hour drive, but were here. I got out of the car as did everyone else. Mia came with me and Peyton. Joseph and Lindsay came separately.

"I feel like were in the middle of nowhere," Mia said looking around. Lindsay and Joseph got out.

"Everything will be okay," Lindsay said coming up behind Mia. She hugged Mia and then the car door opened again.

"Were you just going to leave me here?" Sawyer said.

"You fell asleep, it's not your dog anyway," Peyton said.

"I'm here for support," Sawyer defended. Mia chuckled a bit and we all began to walk forward. We entered the building.

Joseph check us in. We were led to a room where there were others seated. We sat down and only after a few minutes a man came in. I noticed Mia looking around at our surroundings. Joseph did the same thing earlier. I saw him reach over and rub her hand.

"Be nice," Peyton whispered in my ear.

"I am nice," I muttered. When the man was done giving a speech about the dogs, there training, and how to choose one, we were led out to the hallway and then outside. In the back there were many dogs. Some went up to people right away, others didn't. Mia looked around.

"Take your time, we'll be inside," Lindsay said. Joseph nodded too. They went back inside. I looked to Peyton and Sawyer before we went inside as well.


Lucas gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze before he left with the others going inside. I looked around at all the dogs and people. It's overwhelming to be honest. I walked around and pet some dogs. All were different. So many breeds of dogs; German Shepherds, Huskies, Labradors, Golden Retrievers, Terriers, Dalmatians, and others. How am I supposed to choose? Do I even choose? Is this like the wand chooses the wizard type situation or something?

"Having trouble?" I turned to see an employee.

"Maybe," I said looking around. "I'm overwhelmed."

"What are you looking for, what type of help?"

"PTSD, Anxiety, possibly depression," I answered.

"Pretty young to have PTSD," the man said.

"I was one of the students shot at Tree Hill High School," I said, "The woman confronted me, my sister, and boyfriend. Shot me twice."

"I'm sorry," he said. "Follow me." I followed him and we entered a room, the dogs were just roaming free in the room. "These dogs just graduated training the other day for help with Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Nightmares, and other traumas soldiers may have."

"Soldiers?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes, but they are the best and are trained to help, especially to calm down a panic attack before it happens. To help you when you hear a loud bang or suddenly become scared." I nodded and he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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